Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

Christmas 2009...Donut shop visit to see Santa, annual church lights made by your Great Grandpa Dreier.  Kaleb played a special part in the Church Christmas Eve Program play and both Blake and Kaleb sang with the church choir!  We had practiced for weeks and Blake refused to get up and sing, but that night Blake just marched right up there and sang perfectly!  Dreier Christmas was extra special this year as it was Great Grandpa Dreier's last Christmas.  He passed away on December 31st.  Annual bingo game at the Dreier Christmas and paper wad fights at the Hansen's!  Some of your favorite gifts?  A new kitchen!  You all are extremely spoiled with 7 Christmases to attend!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Blake's 3rd Birthday 2009

Blake's 3rd Birthday party.  Because Great Grandpa Dreier was so sick and could not leave the Villa, we decided to take your birthday party to him!  We had cups of ice cream and you opened your presents there.  It was a special time, Great Grandpa loved you so much!!  A lot of people say you remind them of him, I think because you are ornery and tough just like he was, ha!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Kaleb's Christmas Program Kindergarten

Kaleb's Kindergarten Christmas Program at School along with his Christmas class party full of friends such as Ty, Brynn, and Jace.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

Dreier Thanksgiving 2009
We hosted it this year and what a gorgeous day it was.  It was so beautiful the boys played football outside.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Kelcie's KU Rowing 2009

Kelcie rowed for KU...we attended a rowing meet she had in Wichita.  They loved supporting her decked out in all their KU gear!  Rock Chalk!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween 2009

Halloween 2009
Kaleb...Star Wars Man, Blake...Spiderman, Braden the Dinosaur!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dreier Cousins Fall 2009

Dreier Cousins.  Wienie Roast Fall 2009...look at all those boys, all from the Fred Dreier family.

Monday, August 17, 2009

First day of Kindergarten-Kaleb Aug 2009

Kaleb's first day of Kindergarten...August 2009.  Mrs. Lehman is his teacher, pictures with JD and Alyssa.  Also Mommy's first day of teaching!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Baseball 2009

Kaleb's first baseball experience...t-ball June 2009.  He did so well, hitting, running, and knowing which way to run!  Daddy helped coach first base and my favorite picture above is Kaleb receiving a high five from daddy for making it to first!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Braden's Birth...Hospital January 11, 2009

Braden Tyler Hansen    January 11, 2009
Attended Kelcie's basketball game the night before, a Saturday night, many people commenting I looked "ready"...went home and started labor at midnight.  Woke up daddy at 4 am to say I couldn't wait anymore!  Born at 10 a.m. Sunday morning, Grandma Judy and Grandpa Bob kept the boys and were all at church to announce your birth!

Kaleb was such a proud big brother for the 2nd old pro, Blake on the other hand, well...just look at his face in all of the pictures...he wasn't quite sure what to think.  We thought he was saying "This is what you meant by baby????"  Blake was mad at mommy, for about the first 2 weeks not speaking to me..I was devastated, but you learned to love Braden and forgive your mommy :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Birthdays 2009 Blake 2, Kaleb 5

Birthday Party January 2009...Kaleb 5, Blake 2, Braden born a week later!