Sunday, January 11, 2009

Braden's Birth...Hospital January 11, 2009

Braden Tyler Hansen    January 11, 2009
Attended Kelcie's basketball game the night before, a Saturday night, many people commenting I looked "ready"...went home and started labor at midnight.  Woke up daddy at 4 am to say I couldn't wait anymore!  Born at 10 a.m. Sunday morning, Grandma Judy and Grandpa Bob kept the boys and were all at church to announce your birth!

Kaleb was such a proud big brother for the 2nd old pro, Blake on the other hand, well...just look at his face in all of the pictures...he wasn't quite sure what to think.  We thought he was saying "This is what you meant by baby????"  Blake was mad at mommy, for about the first 2 weeks not speaking to me..I was devastated, but you learned to love Braden and forgive your mommy :)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Birthdays 2009 Blake 2, Kaleb 5

Birthday Party January 2009...Kaleb 5, Blake 2, Braden born a week later!