Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

Christmas 2009...Donut shop visit to see Santa, annual church lights made by your Great Grandpa Dreier.  Kaleb played a special part in the Church Christmas Eve Program play and both Blake and Kaleb sang with the church choir!  We had practiced for weeks and Blake refused to get up and sing, but that night Blake just marched right up there and sang perfectly!  Dreier Christmas was extra special this year as it was Great Grandpa Dreier's last Christmas.  He passed away on December 31st.  Annual bingo game at the Dreier Christmas and paper wad fights at the Hansen's!  Some of your favorite gifts?  A new kitchen!  You all are extremely spoiled with 7 Christmases to attend!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Blake's 3rd Birthday 2009

Blake's 3rd Birthday party.  Because Great Grandpa Dreier was so sick and could not leave the Villa, we decided to take your birthday party to him!  We had cups of ice cream and you opened your presents there.  It was a special time, Great Grandpa loved you so much!!  A lot of people say you remind them of him, I think because you are ornery and tough just like he was, ha!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Kaleb's Christmas Program Kindergarten

Kaleb's Kindergarten Christmas Program at School along with his Christmas class party full of friends such as Ty, Brynn, and Jace.