Monday, June 21, 2010

Baseball 2010

Baseball 2010...Kaleb T-Ball.  Their coach bought them all matching hats and at the conclusion of every game he allowed them to throw water balloons at him!

Spencer's Wedding 2010

Cousin Spencer's Wedding in Tulsa, Oklahoma June 2010, a week after Aunt Leslie's!  The boys did so well with the road trips and had a blast dancing at the wedding reception!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Swim Lessons 2010

Swimming Lessons for Kaleb 2010.  Kaleb did so well and learned so much, including jumping off of the low dive!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Leslie's Wedding June 2010

Leslie's Wedding June 2010
Kaleb was the most handsome ring bearer!  It was a beautiful outdoor wedding, with a weekend full of fun.  When introduced to the flower girl, Kaleb told Leslie "Hmm, I thought she would be taller".  Ha!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lake Time Summer 2010

Summer 2010
 One of my all time favorite pictures of my 3 tired boys!  After a day at the lake, they were exhausted.  This is approximately 3 miles from the lake on our way home!  They love the water and love to jet ski, get splashed by the jet ski, and jump on and off a millon times.  Lake times always end with yummy food and a water ballon fight!  All day is spent blowing up water balloons and they are gone in a matter of 3 minutes!