Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011 at Grandpa Bob and Grandma Judy's...Kaleb got the skateboard he wanted and Braden...what else, but a truck! More loads to haul!
Christmas 2011!  As you can see from above, Santa ate his delicious cookies and milk and left extra good presents this year...PSP Game systems.  Santa hid clues around the house and they had to go on a scavenger hunt to find their last present from him!  Thank you Santa!! What a fun Christmas it was, since they were ALL really into Santa this year!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Botanica Christmas Lights December 2011

Luminary walk at Botanica Gardens in Wichita.  Truly one of the most beautiful things I've ever experienced.  Christmas lights that correlated to the Christmas music were so beautiful reflecting off of the water.  The best event of the evening...the boys getting to see the "REAL" Santa Claus as they called him.  Kaleb said "Mom, I know the one we saw at the donut shop was a fake, but this one was really him!   He has the REAL beard!"  He made a believer out of me too!

Kaleb's School Christmas Program December 2011

         Kaleb's Christmas Program

Hesston Elementary School

December 2011

First through fourth grade students performed an incredible Christmas program this year, including a full length musical with singing, dancing, costumes, and acting.  What a wonderful program and Blake and Braden were fully entertained in the audience!  Kaleb sang and danced so well, so proud of him!  We have a 15 minute video of the program if you would like to see it! Ha!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thankful Movie 2011

Thanksgiving 2011, reflecting on my life and things I am thankful for.  Shared with the boys and talked about what Thanksgiving means and what they are thankful for.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Hansen Halloween 2011

Hansen Halloween 2011...
Grandpa Hansen thought it would be hilarious to hide in the bushes with a mask and scare the boys when they rang the doorbell to his house.  Expecting laughter and fun for all, well, just watch and see the actual results....

Halloween 2011

Halloween 2011 Kaleb and Blake were Batmen, Braden was a scared giraffe who didn't want to take a picture!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Sprinkles Fall 2011

Guilty face?  Hmm how did all of those sprinkles get out of their little jar and onto the counter and into Braden's mouth?  Our little monkey figured out where I keep all of the decorations for cookies/cakes and of course when all is quiet, you should check on your kids....yep, who knows how many sprinkles ended up in his belly.  Oh well, at least they are tiny and hard to pick up so hopefully not too much sugar! 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tangyanika Zoo Trip 2011

Tangyanika Zoo Trip Fall 2011...a beautiful day of family fun and was able to snag some beautiful pictures!  See video too!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Blake's Shiner Fall 2011

Fall 2011...Blake's Shiner, unfortunately the first of many injuries I'm sure...with 3 boys, it seems inevitable.  This was a trampoline incident, ended up in the ER, luckily just a small fracture in his nose, but this picture was when the swelling had gone down quite a bit and bruising was healing.  Oh, the heart attacks these boys are going to give us!  I posted this picture because it reminded me of a funny story... the boys were playing upstairs in their room one evening and we heard crying.  Braden came down and said Blake had thrown a lego at his head and it hit him.  So.....being the wonderful parents we are, we called Blake down to apologize to Braden for causing this pain.  Guiding Blake through this process (again because of the wonderful parenting moment we were about to have) we said...Blake, don't you think you need to tell your brother something for hurting him? (Wanting something to the effect of "I'm sorry").  Blake turns to Braden and says as serious as ever "Braden, when someone throws something at your head, you should duck".  Period.  End of amazing parenting moment.  Still, in the long run, good advice for his little brother though I suppose.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Kaleb Soccer, Fall 2011

Cookie Baking with Grandma Judy 2011

Cookie baking at Grandma Judy's....things to know when baking with the Hansen boys....
Picture #1: Do NOT for any reason leave Braden alone with the mixer full of flour. (See above photographed documentation of flour covering Braden, and the kitchen).  Braden's eyes will water from the flour in them and it will appear he is crying, but if you look closely at his expression, he knows he is guilty of a flour explosion.
Picture #2:  They will want to do everything themselves and yes...dough will get stuck to the rolling pin and cookies will be super fat or super thin.
Picture #3: Cookies may have been dropped on floor, may have been sampled, may have been licked or all of the above!
Picture #4:  The boys will be messy and so will the kitchen, but they will all have a blast and create wonderful, special memories made with their Grandma.

Monday, August 1, 2011

New Golf Clubs Fall 2011

New Golf Clubs Fall 2011
Braden had to put them in the back of his "golf cart"!  
Using a tee like daddy and look at left-handed Blake!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Boys and Dirt Summer 2011

Warm Summer Days from 2011...Popsicles, and what else...DIRT!  Poor Braden, but take notice of the shirt...yes, his parents really are EXHAUSTED! ha!  Look at Blake's ornery face...did he maybe do that to Braden???

Monday, July 4, 2011

Fireworks 2011

Fireworks...Boys, why do they like to blow things up and why do they like fire?  It all seems like an accident waiting to happen to me, but I think it stems back to the cavemen days of the discovery and excitement of fire.  Uncle Matt and Aunt Leslie have started a tradition (maybe unbeknown to them!).  They associate Uncle Matt with fireworks, and they constantly ask when he can come and do fireworks.  This uneasy mom is limiting in to the 4th of July, so they look forward to that time of year when Aunt Leslie and Uncle Matt come and bring on the fireworks!  Me?  I'll stick to the tiny little "snakes" that just creep about 2 inches ON the ground or the ones that are far, far away from us, high up in the sky!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

Swim Lessons 2011

Swim Lessons 2011...both Kaleb AND Blake jumped off the high dive!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Attack of the Markers 2011

Attack of the markers!!  Was it Kaleb? Blake?  or did Braden do it to himself!?  If you answered "C", you answered correctly!    

Summer Baseball 2011

 Kaleb's baseball games Summer 2011
Kaleb moved up to "Coach Pitch" this year from tee-ball.  He did so good!  His favorite position is pitcher (following in daddy's footsteps!)  His brothers being dragged to many games in the windy, hot, humid weather find ways to entertain themselves.  One of those entertaining ideas is playing in the dirt (Notice what Braden's orange shirt says?)  Yes, we ARE really exhausted!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Swim Lessons 2011

Bible School 2011

Bible School 2011, Blake's first year...he did great and had so much fun!  Kaleb's Bible School had the fire truck come and spray them the last day!  Soggy picture with cousins Jace and Will!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Bible School June 2011

Bible School June 2011
Always a fun week....Blake's first time.  Ended with a spray from the fire truck!