Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Boys and Dirt Summer 2011

Warm Summer Days from 2011...Popsicles, and what else...DIRT!  Poor Braden, but take notice of the shirt...yes, his parents really are EXHAUSTED! ha!  Look at Blake's ornery face...did he maybe do that to Braden???

Monday, July 4, 2011

Fireworks 2011

Fireworks...Boys, why do they like to blow things up and why do they like fire?  It all seems like an accident waiting to happen to me, but I think it stems back to the cavemen days of the discovery and excitement of fire.  Uncle Matt and Aunt Leslie have started a tradition (maybe unbeknown to them!).  They associate Uncle Matt with fireworks, and they constantly ask when he can come and do fireworks.  This uneasy mom is limiting in to the 4th of July, so they look forward to that time of year when Aunt Leslie and Uncle Matt come and bring on the fireworks!  Me?  I'll stick to the tiny little "snakes" that just creep about 2 inches ON the ground or the ones that are far, far away from us, high up in the sky!