Sunday, December 30, 2012

Christmas 2012

 Hansen Christmas at our house. Braden was so happy to get his OWN, Brand NEW bike!  No more hammy downs for this boy!  Lots of fun had by all!  Haircuts for the Christmas program at church, all 3 boys looked so handsome in their ties!  New basketballs, a train/lego table for Braden, transformer helmet for Blake, money for Kaleb (saving up for his own iPod touch!)

 27th Annual Dreier Christmas party at Marcy's, complete with a visit from Santa!  Caroling at the villa, a special treat for Grandma Dreier.
 Christmas day at our house.  The boys put out carrots the night before for Rudolph!  Only traces of pieces left in the morning!  Santa brought Kaleb exactly what was on his list: new shoes and roller blades!  Braden got his wishes overalls and a John Deere tractor.  Blake received his legos and the lego game, Creationary.  Santa of course left the surprise gift they had to go hunt  for together (he left a note in the tree!), a remote monster truck!
 Young Christmas was extra special with Uncle Derek being here!  Lots of toys from him from the Philippines...legos, a race car game, and an ice cream maker!  "Hansen" football shirts from Grandma and Grandpa and some food for Braden's kitchen!
 A special visit from our Florida friends, the Tibbetts!  Braden and McKinley Joy were instant friends!  They enjoyed showing each other their electrical devices...iPads, iPhones, iPods!

 Kaleb didn't take his rollerblades off except to sleep, for days!  It was too cold to go outside so he roller bladed all over the house!  Daddy playing legos on the new lego table with his boys!
 Braden (AND Daddy!) playing with the new monster truck!  It could even go through the snow, and liked to chase Braden around!  He just giggled and giggled!
Blake enjoying our traditional apfel kuchen Christmas dinner!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Blake's School Christmas Program 2012

Blake's Christmas Program at school, he loves to sing and it showed!

Blake's Kindergarten Birthday 2012

Blake turning 6!  Woke up to the first snow of the season!  After eventually making it to school (we got stuck on the way!) A special day with snowman cookies made by Grandma Judy at school, and then the entire school went to "Monsters, Inc." movie all afternoon!  His class sang Happy Birthday to him!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Hot Chocolate Hand Out 2012

Kaleb and Blake were both chosen (only 4 from each class!) to hand out hot chocolate for the elementary school to the community.  They both did such a good job and I was so proud of them, not only how well behaved they were handing it out but simply for being chosen out of the whole school.  Blake made sure to say "Have a Merry Christmas!" to each customer!

Blake's Christmas Present To Us 2012

Kaleb's Santa Letters 2012

A funny letter about Santa getting stuck and Kaleb's return letter from Santa.  In Kaleb's letter to Santa he said he wanted roller SKATES not roller BLADES but Santa said back that he wanted rollerblades...Kaleb said "Santa read my mind!  He knew I changed my mind and now wants roller blades" Wow, good job Santa!  He also informed we that we have been leaving out the wrong food for the reindeer (oatmeal), we need to leave carrots now!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Hansen Boys' Mancave 2012

They are into building "Mancaves" with pillows, cushions, blankets, etc, where no girls are allowed. They fell asleep in it this weekend and this is how I found them the next morning.

Kaleb's School Christmas Program 2012

Kaleb's 3rd Grade Christmas program at school.  He did so well, especially standing between his 2 buddies!  He looked so grown up and even had to put daddy's cologne on!

Santa Visit 2012

Annual visit to talk to Santa at the donut shop!  Braden told him he wanted a new bike!  I think this is the first year where I haven't had a child scared, not wanting to sit on Santa's lap! They are growing up!

Blake's Santa Letter and List 2012

Can you tell my boys love technology, just like their momma!?  Had to ask Blake about #10 though...princess?  "Oh, I accidentally copied that word down from the board Mrs. Jaso had written it up there, I REALLY do NOT want a princess, those are for girls!!"  I love the "You are a kind man"...what a kiss up :)

Monday, December 3, 2012

Blake's Thoughts 2012

Sunday the 2nd was birthday Sunday at church and so we took treats for Blake...he pretended all day it was his pretend birthday and he was 6!  18 more days he kept saying!  I took Blake grocery shopping last night (I try and rotate 1 boy at at time...1 boy is great, 2 or more is BAD for grocery shopping).  In the car on the way he says "Mom, did you know that broken promises can never be glued back together?".  Impressive thoughts Blake, my little 5 year old for 18 more days!

Luminary Walk Arborteum 2012

What a BEAUTIFUL evening for the annual luminary walk at the arboretum.  Kaleb was spending the night at a friends, but Grandma Judy took Blake, Braden, and I.  The pictures are kind of blurry because it was SO dark, but calm, and again, beautiful!  They had a live nativity scene this year with a llama and a donkey!  Grandma roasted marshmallows for smores with the boys (Blake's FAVORITE part he had remembered from last year, along with his favorite cookies afterwards....brown cookies with a hershey's kiss! Reminds me of my Grandma Dreier making them for Christmas!)  The lights were gorgeous as they reflected off of the water.  Braden wanted us to stop at every bench (there are A LOT!) and take a picture.  At first being annoyed, then realizing, Why are we always in a hurry?  It wasn't cold, it wasn't late, yes Braden, thank you for reminding us to take the time to pause and enjoy the beautiful things in life.  Sad it takes a 3 year old to remind us of the importance of that!  I laughed as they boys asked what the beautiful, hand-carved signs around the path said as our reply was "Stay on the path", "Be quiet".  The highlight of the evening was as we were walking on the path of lights, surrounded by a heard of people enjoying the peaceful scene, Braden didn't have his belt so he yells out "My pants are going to fall down, then people will call me the UNDERWEAR BOY". Wow. Merry Christmas Arbortetum People!

Kaleb's First Basketball Game 2012

Kaleb had his FIRST basketball game Saturday, December 1.  They have been practicing several times a week for several weeks now, and it showed!  They did a great job of knowing what to do, even running a few plays and a special defense.  Kaleb was fouled at the buzzer of first quarter so shot free throws standing at the line by himself (the hardest thing to do!)  He sunk one and we were so proud!  They won against Sedgwick, go Swathers!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Christmas Decor 2012

Normally I get annoyed with people who decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving.  I suppose it has something to do with my birthday always being around Thanksgiving or something, however this year was different.  It might have had something to do with a new, beautiful Christmas tree to put up, or Pinterest, family heirlooms being displayed in a new way, my boys finally being old enough I can set stuff out, or Christmas miracles happening in our home, all of those things combined, I was ready!  My Grandma Dreier's Cookie Cutters are hung from our window, my little boys' blocks made into a Christmas Tree, spelling out Hansen, the best birthday present of  dad's childhood sled, now adorned with greenery, welcoming you as you come up to our Snowman wreath doorway!

Blake's Thankful and Braden's Pumpkin 2012

"A Note from a Turkey" Kaleb 2012

Children's Church 2012

Children's time at church is a special time for me to watch my boys. There have been many entertaining Sundays, and this mommy always cringes when questions are asked to them as they sit in front of the entire church with everyone watching and listening!  They are growing up and I am so proud of how they sit and listen and now it has become even more special as Kaleb takes Chase to Children's Time!  The picture on the bottom right is my favorite, "We fold our hands, and close our eyes to pray to God".  They are so cute and brings tears to my eyes to watch them do this.  It is so hard for Blake and Braden to keep their eyes closed as some of the prayers are pretty long!  It is hard for me to as I like to watch them peek out of one eye to see if everyone else is still keeping their eyes closed!

Kaleb's Letter to Santa 2012

Kaleb's letter to Santa...His handwriting is so impressive!!  Along with his little colored drawing.  We did have to have a talk about Santa's budget!  I mean, he DOES have to give toys to ALL the boys and girls in the WORLD!  Where did the waterbed come from!? Ha!

Christmas Parade Hutch, 2012

Grandma Judy took us to the Christmas parade in Hutchinson.  Braden loved it as the parade was full of animals, tractors, and trucks!  However, they are used to the Goessel parade where they leave with a full bag of candy. This parade didn't throw out to much candy, the only thing they walked away with was a new toothbrush and toothpaste from the local dentist!  A stop at Hobby Lobby ended the trip with some hat displays!

Daddy's Birthday Dinner 2012

After Kaleb's final game we celebrated both his season as well as Daddy's birthday at Cracker Barrel!  It was so busy on a Sunday noon, but we spent a beautiful day waiting outside (Have you seen the waiting room for Cracker Barrel?  Not a good place for 3 little boys!!), Braden loved the tiny rocking chairs.   

Kaleb Football 2012

Kaleb had a fantastic first year of football!  His team finished 3rd in their tournament with a winning record.  Kaleb played receiver but was especially good on defense.  He once had to block against a guy twice MY size, however, he never gave up, always pushing back, not willing to give in to the obvious difference in size.  He spent a lot of time dancing to the music in between quarters and plays!  Lots of family attended some very cold game, even little cousin Chase! The highlight of the year was a night game with real stadium lights on a turf field.  So proud of you Kaleb!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkin Patch Oct 2012

PaPa's Pumpkin Patch October 2012.  We initially tried to go on a beautiful Sunday afternoon and we couldn't even get down the road to get into the pumpkin patch, finding out later it was "AgCo (LARGE corporation in Hesston) day" and every kid got a free pumpkin.  So we left, with Braden in tears (and move having anxiety "What if we don't get back? I promised them!"), telling them we would return a different day.  We went on a Friday afternoon when the kids didn't have school and what a fantastic decision it was to wait.  We were the only ones on the slide for a long time, so they got lots of turn, The boys were hilarious, twisting and turning and spinning all the way down.  Blake returned later in the week with his Kindergarten class and said they had to go straight down, only on their bottoms!  Kaleb was the official pumpkin cutter and Braden attempted to haul our load in his wagon. They loved the barrell swings and my favorite picture from above has to be all of us walking out of the pumpkin patch, Braden helping me pull the wagon, Blake pushing from behind and Kaleb carrying the cutters.  A wonderful day!

Googly Eyes Oct 2012

Their amazing, wonderful Sunday School teacher who should have a special place in Heaven gave them their Halloween goody bags today, their favorite part?  The googly eye glasses!!  Could they look any more hilarious!? Kaleb had his best friend and cousin Jace spend the night last night.  An entertaining trip to Walmart to pick out Halloween costumes, what fun they had in the aisle!  Don't they make beautiful girls?  I threatened to put these on facebook :)

Cement Rock Hail Stones

Daddy was mowing...boys found ways to entertain themselves (as always)...cement rocks thrown on the garage roof!!  Would you say those are "cement boulder size hail stones?"  They told me they want to see if the wind can blow them down.  Oh boys (Blake and Braden this time).

Poor Jack Oct 2012

Poor Jack did not survive another year at the Hansen household.  His toothy grin has now become one with his triangle nose, yet not one of the three boys seems to know what or who happened to Jack...aww the mysteries of Halloween! :)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Kaleb's Character October 2012

The "How will you show character wall" at Hesston Elementary...Kaleb's post :)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Kaleb First Football Game Aug 2012

Kaleb's first ever football game August 2012...

When you put pads, cleats, and a helmet on them, you suddenly realize your baby is growing up.  Today was Kaleb's first ever football game.  He spent the morning reviewing the playbook after the coach let us know there was a sick player and Kaleb (only a 3rd grader) would be stepping on the field with mostly 4th graders.  After the first initial jitters wore off from just getting in the game, Kaleb did GREAT!  He had a tackle that resulted in a loss of yards and several good runs and handoffs while playing running back.  So proud of him to get out there with the bigger boys and just do the best he can do.  Being part of the team is special and seeing them run out on the field for the first time brought tears to my eyes.   A long day filled with 2 games ended with a trip to Red Robin (Kaleb's favorite place) for what else but a bottomless basket of fries, a cheeseburger, and Dr. Pepper!  Way to go Kaleb, we love and are proud of you!