Sunday, October 28, 2012

Pumpkin Patch Oct 2012

PaPa's Pumpkin Patch October 2012.  We initially tried to go on a beautiful Sunday afternoon and we couldn't even get down the road to get into the pumpkin patch, finding out later it was "AgCo (LARGE corporation in Hesston) day" and every kid got a free pumpkin.  So we left, with Braden in tears (and move having anxiety "What if we don't get back? I promised them!"), telling them we would return a different day.  We went on a Friday afternoon when the kids didn't have school and what a fantastic decision it was to wait.  We were the only ones on the slide for a long time, so they got lots of turn, The boys were hilarious, twisting and turning and spinning all the way down.  Blake returned later in the week with his Kindergarten class and said they had to go straight down, only on their bottoms!  Kaleb was the official pumpkin cutter and Braden attempted to haul our load in his wagon. They loved the barrell swings and my favorite picture from above has to be all of us walking out of the pumpkin patch, Braden helping me pull the wagon, Blake pushing from behind and Kaleb carrying the cutters.  A wonderful day!

Googly Eyes Oct 2012

Their amazing, wonderful Sunday School teacher who should have a special place in Heaven gave them their Halloween goody bags today, their favorite part?  The googly eye glasses!!  Could they look any more hilarious!? Kaleb had his best friend and cousin Jace spend the night last night.  An entertaining trip to Walmart to pick out Halloween costumes, what fun they had in the aisle!  Don't they make beautiful girls?  I threatened to put these on facebook :)

Cement Rock Hail Stones

Daddy was mowing...boys found ways to entertain themselves (as always)...cement rocks thrown on the garage roof!!  Would you say those are "cement boulder size hail stones?"  They told me they want to see if the wind can blow them down.  Oh boys (Blake and Braden this time).

Poor Jack Oct 2012

Poor Jack did not survive another year at the Hansen household.  His toothy grin has now become one with his triangle nose, yet not one of the three boys seems to know what or who happened to Jack...aww the mysteries of Halloween! :)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Kaleb's Character October 2012

The "How will you show character wall" at Hesston Elementary...Kaleb's post :)