Thursday, February 28, 2013

Kaleb's Dr. Seuss Treats

As a 3rd grader, this is the first Kaleb is taking state assessments.  Parents sign up to bring snacks for brain food for the big tests!  In honor of Dr. Seuss's birthday this week, we made our assessment treats to correlate with Dr. Seuss.  The fruit kabob represents "The Cat in the Hat", although Kaleb says it is the grinch with a "cat in the hat, hat", because his face is green!  The goldfish represent his book "1 Fish, 2 Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish".

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Blizzard February 2013

We received a record-breaking blizzard at the end of February that caused us to be stuck at home, including 4 snow days from school.  The boys enjoyed trying to build a snowman, playing in their fort, and helping daddy shovel the driveway.  See  Blake's TINY shovel?  Braden enjoyed riding his bikes as fast as he could into a drift! We made REAL SNOW-cones (that now Braden said I can no longer give them at the pool...they are SNOW cones mom, not for summer) and snow angels.  We baked and cooked a lot, including home-made cinnamon rolls and cookies.  The boys loved helping me make them and asked why we can't do it more often...See the last picture, that is why, because you guys make a HUGE mess! :)  Kaleb had an MAYB tournament during the weekend, they were champions of the consolation bracket.  We even took an afternoon and went to the hotel pool in town.  The boys loved it because it was so warm, it was very comforting with the snow peaking through the windows.  Reminded us even though we are ready for Summer, it is still Winter!  Hopefully this is the last snow storm of the year.  22 inches of snow in February, although a pain for us, a blessing for daddy at the golf course and the farmers from the earlier drought!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Blake's Book-Holder

Grandma Judy took Blake to the book fair (he talked about for weeks! I finally said he was not able to say the words "book" or "fair").  So proud of his new Superman/Batman book, he asked after we got done reading a chapter if we had a book-holder.  I came up with my cookbook stand and he was overjoyed!  He said "Mrs. Jaso has a book-holder for her chapter book"!


This is what happens at Sunday School with cousin Kelcie gets a hold of you and you need a haircut extremely bad!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Kind King

At school for Blake it is "K" week...the Kind King came to visit...the teacher asked for all the kids who start with K to come to the front, Blake proceeded to stand and explain that his name has a K in it, spelling it out for the entire class.  He told Vern at church that night about how this man with a voice that sounded just like his came to his school.  Vern asked if the Kind King looked like him, Blake said no, he had a white beard.  Mrs. Lehman told Blake he was a "kin" to the Kind King and was related.  Blake seems to think it is because he has a K in his name.  Vern said kiddos like Blake are the reason he keeps doing it!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Kaleb's Sheep Job 2013

Galen called Kaleb to come help with all his baby lambs!  Kaleb's job was to tackle and catch them so Galen could "take care of them".  The day was full of life lessons with Kaleb getting to see a lamb being born. He said Galen had to use his "NFL tackling skills" to tackle the mom so he could help her!

A Time Kaleb Felt Loved 2013

Found this lining the hallways of Kaleb's school and reminds me kids really do remember the little, simple, free things in life...Write about a time you felt loved.
"I feel loved when my Grandpa lets me take a nap with him in his chair.  It makes me feel warm.  We also have a special blanket that we use.  It's brown, warm, and fluffy!

Kaleb FreeThrow Contest 2013

1st Place in the free throw contest!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Blake's Fever 2013

The flu is extra bad this year and Blake unfortunately was on the receiving end.  He missed school for an entire week with a fever, staying in bed all day just sleeping and sleeping.  He cried every morning wanting to go to school "School is my favorite, being sick is like being grounded", he said through his tears.  Friday he reassured me he was finally feeling better, only to be called by the school to come and pick him up.  He told the school nurse, "Sometimes you just don't feel like doing school."  He even sat out of recess so I knew he was still sick!  I hope you always love school as much as you have this year!

Braden's Legos 2013

Braden loves to build, imagine, and tinker.  He builds incredible displays with his legos, always having an elaborate description of what he builds.  We always have to take pictures!  My desk at work has lego displays, and Grandma Judy's entertainment center is lined with his creations.  Our little engineer!

Brothers Playing in the Dirt January 2013

Boys will be boys, and my boys are all boy!  They love to dig, play tractors and play in the dirt!  Believe it or not this was an unusually warm day in January and they took advantage of it digging and making roads in Grandma Judy's garden.

Kaleb Basketball January 2013

Kaleb's first basketball season has gone great!  He is a good defender, and always a positive player.  At the team awards he received an award for "Good Sport Award".  Kelcie made basketball cookies for treat day, they even had the real basketball dimple texture!

Haircuts from Grandma Joy

Monthly haircuts from Grandma Joy, this time a double haircut with Grandpa David and Braden!

Church with Grandpa Bob

Church is a special time with Grandpa Bob.  Holding hands during prayer, dollars for the offering, taking the offering to the alter, and of course smarties from Grandpa's pocket!

Blake Basketball Camp January 2013

Blake's first basketball experience, a 5-week camp.  He LOVED it and was so excited to finally get to play.  He received a ball with his name on it (and he added some other things with markers...I love mom and dad).  He was a great left-handed shooter!

Artwork by Kaleb & Blake 2013

Beautiful winter artwork from school...Kaleb's Redbird (Great Grandma Dreier would have LOVED this as cardinals were here favorite!) and Blake's snowman.