Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Closet Cleanout

A massive closet clean-out during Spring Break.  Bought a new organizer so they could pick out their entire weekly wardrobes on Sunday.  No more tears in the morning, now they can just grab their clothes, get dressed and go!  No more tears in the mornings for mommy either!  They were so proud of their work!

3 Tired Boys

3 tired boys crashed in our bed after a week of several sleepovers, stitches, playing outside, and cleaning closets during Spring Break!

Blake's first friend sleepover

Blake's first friend sleepover with Conner, they had so much fun playing and playing and stayed up late (10:30 p.m.!)  Finally his turn after all these years of Kaleb having friends spend the night!

Blake Stitches Round 2

First day of spring break, Blake comes running upstairs, saying his head hurts, Braden threw the nerf gun at his head.  It bled, but I didn't think it was too bad, after consulting with daddy, decided to take him into the Immediate Care Center and left with 2 stitches!  He was such a trooper through the 2 shots that came with it, he went and picked out a new Iron Man at Wal-Mart.  He asked if it was okay if he cried, I told him yes, but was so proud of how still he laid and just wept quietly to himself.  He was brave, especially since he knew what was going to happen, remembering the stitches in his chin last summer!  Braden on the other hand was grounded.

Blake's First Lost Tooth!

Blake wiggled and wiggled for weeks and finally lost his first tooth in a chicken McNugget at a McDonald's trip with Grandma and Grandpa Hansen!  The tooth fairy even visited Grandpa's house and left $5 in a special pillow made by Grandma Joy.  Blake was so excited that tooth finally just "popped out!"

Friday, March 15, 2013

Playing iPad with Grandpa

Favorite past-time of all the boys...sitting in Grandpa Bob's chair...reading, snuggling, playing iPad!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Twins with Grandpa Bob

Grandpa Bob and his boys, Grandpa and Braden twins! Boots, jeans with a belt, a "snapper" shirt and their red jackets!  Ready to head to church!

Kaleb's Soccer

Kaleb had a fantastic soccer season this year, playing the best he's ever played!  He was very aggressive and scored several goals!  Such a good leader and with playing MAYB this year, several games were full of basketball days also which is a lot to do in one day!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Blake's First Shaving Cut

As Blake got out of the bathtub last night I asked him why his cheek was bleeding!!  After a long explanation....he used a real razor to shave like daddy.  A small cut needed a big spongebob bandaid!....and no more shaving for at least 10 years hopefully!

Kaleb's New Haircut

Before and after!!!  A lot of hair was taken off...finally! No more holding it down when running down the court so it doesn't blow in the wind and no more pig-tails from Kelcie!

Kaleb's Tooth-fairy Visit

Kaleb had his braces tightened and wires re-strung.  As the hygienist was attaching a new wire the front one popped off, she then realized it was because the whole tooth came out!  He probably didn't even know it was lose because the wires were holding it in.  So, his tooth came out with a bracket (silver thing) on it.  Kaleb left this note for the tooth-fairy, the "electronic device" he is referring too is his iPod touch.  When he awoke the next morning to discover a note back from the tooth-fairy on his iPod touch, he promptly asked "Mom, how did the tooth-fairy leave me a message back on my iPod.....I didn't leave him the passcode to get into it"....Quickly I explained that tooth-fairies are magic of course...they know everything!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Legos with Daddy

The boys love playing legos, especially building with daddy.  They build lots of things and always want to save them, so I recently convinced them we will take pictures to save them, and that way they can tear them apart.  Daddy built a cool car with them.  As you can see our Christmas lego table as been put to good use!

Friends Reunited!

Sub-State Basketball games were held in Abilene this year, the new home of Casey!  Casey, Brodi, and Blake grew up at Miss Heather's daycare together and it was hard for all of them when Casey moved an hour away last year.  They were so excited to be together again!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Braden's PreSchool

Braden cutting so diligently he didn't even notice I was there!  Pre-School at Miss Heather's!