Friday, June 21, 2013

Don't blow a tube in your brother's face

This is what happens when you stick a plastic tube in your mouth (Braden) and you blow it in your brother's (Blake's) face and your brother (Blake) doesn't like it, so he smacks the end of it into the back of your (Braden's) throat!

Sprinkler Time

Grandma Judy helped me set up an irrigation system in my front flower bed this year.  Braden quickly figured out if you screw the tops off of the little sprinklers it creates a cascading shower of water!  I guess he thought he was helping because he spent quite a bit of time filling his bowl and dumping it in my flowers.

Summer Reading Program

Story time at the public library, one of our regular routines for the summer reading program!

Lake 2013

Lake time with all the family!  So much fun, even though we couldn't get in the water this time because of algae! Day full of washers, time at the park, iPads, swimming pools, and barbeque!

Bible School 2013

This was the first year all 3 boys could attend Bible School. Braden was especially excited he could finally go.  He was even more thrilled when he found out the theme was a cowboy theme complete with cowboy hats, ropes, horses, real chickens, and kittens.  They had a music program the last night where they even got to say "yee-haw"!

Family Church

Blake is learning to sing hymns with Grandma at church.  Grandma points with her finger and Blake follows along, he is starting to get several words and pick up on the melodies.  So cute, even with his mohawk!  Kaleb reading the Bible with Grandpa, important milestones and memories.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Kaleb...another tooth done (#12)

This tooth #12 has been hanging by a thread for several days.  I hate teeth, mouths, and feet but this mom had to step up to the plate and get this thing out!  Pulled my first tooth ever (besides my own) and got it out!  Kaleb was so happy...and this mom was so grossed out.

Baseball 2013

 Baseball season has started for 2013!  Blake's last year of T-Ball and Kaleb's first year of pitching machine.  First games were great!  Blake had an incredible catch and knocked the ball out of the park!  Kaleb had a great start too, getting on base several times and making some great plays as 2nd baseman.  Love this time of year!  Getting busier with 2, had to split up the first game as daddy took Kaleb to Inman and mommy stayed with Blake in Hesston.  Next year we will have all 3 playing! Love the above pictures we took at 2:00 pm at our house...(the games weren't until 7:00!)  They were doing their "tough face poses".  So cute in their little baseball pants.  They asked me if I liked their "baseball butts"...  Great seasons for both, Kaleb hit well on the pitching machine and played awesome at 2nd.  Blake hit several homeruns and fielded most of the balls!  

Monday, June 3, 2013

Indoor Swim in June!

Indoor Swimming with Chase on June 2nd!  Believe it or not it was too cold to swim outside!  Chase wasn't sure at first but ended up loving it and even suckered some girls into playing ball with him.


A beautiful night at the Arboretum after a fresh rain...we couldn't make it across the path, but the boys thought we could!  They enjoyed playing in the water, Braden got extra wet after he decided to do push-ups in the stream!  Feeding the fish and turtles is always a favorite past-time!