Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween 2013!
A fireman, Spiderman, and a scary ghost-man.  Kaleb is growing up...this is the first year he wouldn't be something cute, he wanted to be scary.  He couldn't wear his glasses under his mask because they kept fogging up, so his vision was a little questionable.  After walking back from receiving one house's treats, the disappointed look on his face concerned us.  We asked what was wrong and he said "Aww man, I got a HEALTH bar" Kaleb that is a HEATH bar. :)  The boys enjoyed being scared by a mysterious voice at one house when trying to get their candy when no one was home, later we saw the guy on the roof with his walkie talkie! A beautiful evening and a bunch of candy...SUCCESS!  Recently I had a conversation with Braden about the order of holidays.  He asked...what is after Halloween?  I replied with, Thanksgiving, and then Christmas.  On the way home from trick or treating he says "Yeah, tomorrow is Thanksgiving and the next day is Christmas!" I guess I should have clarified what "after" meant!