Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Grandma Judy & Grandpa Bob's 40th Anniversary

Grandma Judy & Grandpa Bob celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary Sunday, November 23rd, 2014.  We celebrated at church with a cake and a video I made for them, celebrating their wedding day.  So proud of their love and commitment to one another. Congratulations mom and dad!

My "Get Well & Thank You" Present

My boys...the best boys!  I hadn't been feeling good this week and had church council in the evening.  The older 2 were able to stay home for a bit while I was at church.  In the middle of our meeting I received a text from Kaleb saying they had a "big surprise" for me when I got home.  Hmmm, I was both excited and a little nervous to be honest.  What had they done? :)
When I returned home I found them anxiously awaiting by the window to show me their surprise...they called it my "get well & thank you for cleaning up after us for 10 years" present. (adorable, right!?).  They proceeded to lead me around the house showing me all they had managed to accomplish together in such a short time ("Mom, things go fast when you use teamwork!").  They had made the beds, cleaned the kitchen floor, wiped down all the counters in the kitchen and bathrooms, folded some clothes, started some laundry, finished their homework, and picked up and organized the house. I couldn't believe it and was instantly brought to tears.  They could have chosen to have done just about anything while Braden and I were gone....and this is how two little boys chose to fill their time.  Amazing.  Amazing what they accomplished as well as the idea and understanding of just how much this would mean to their mom.  So responsible.  So thoughtful.  
My boys.  The best boys.

Weekend with Aunt Leslie

The boys spent the weekend and the night at Aunt Leslie's!  The weekend included a Thunder game in which Blake was the luckiest man alive and won not only a frisbee he caught, but also a $25 restaurant certificate by having his puck he threw onto the ice picked up and his name called!  They also got to enjoy Thanksgiving with Grandma Shonda's family and all of their many cousins!  

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Kelsey. Braden says "Not my cousin, Kelcie"

Braden loves Bible School in the summer and one of the main reasons?  His teacher, Kelsey!  He has fallen in love with her and loves getting to see her at school events.  She was up for Homecoming Queen this year and of course had to get a hug from her Braden.  Her volleyball team made it to state and so we took treats to them and I had him hand them out.  First one to receive their bag?  Of course, Kelsey!


Blake and Braden love to create and build...
Braden's sand "cake" and Blake's lego sea turtle.
They always want me to take pictures of their creations so we can either text them to people or post them on FaceBook!

Blake's Weird Sleeping

Blake is one of the best sleepers.  He likes to be tucked in early and loves to sleep in.  After a sleepover at his friend Carson's house, he came home the next day and fell asleep like this...and slept for 2 hours in this exact position in between the couch cushions!

Styrofoam...Oh My.

Bought a fireplace and in the box came a bunch of styrofoam! Well of course with boys in the house we couldn't just throw it away! We ended up building lots of stuff with it and eventually it was EVERYWHERE.  Momma decided to "let go" for one night and let them just have at it.  It only took 2 hours to clean it all up and we are still finding pieces but hopefully they have a good memory to share with each other later on!

Kaleb's Presentation to the Board of Education

Kaleb was asked by his school counselor to present to the Board of Education on their Reach for Success class.  He was the only 5th grader with 4 8th graders, including his 8th grade buddy, Isaac.  The kids did such a great job, so proud of him and what great life skills practice!

Baking "Owl" Cookies with Grandma Judy

Annual tradition (even since I was a little girl) of making "owl" cookies for Halloween.  My boys are just like me and their favorite part of pinching the ears and putting on the cashew noses.  Braden (my "think outside the box" boy) had to add orange eyebrows to them this year!  As you can see from the picture, we have a hard time with patience and "when is my turn going to be" 
"I want to pinch the ears".  
Good memories with their grandma!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Braden's Eyes of God

From our Pastor Dr. Gary Blaine's Blog...reminding me of the blessings that are before me every day.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Kaleb-Club Football

Kaleb's 5th/6th grade football team...
Undefeated regular season 7-0, 
4th place in the 6th grade bracket of the Hornet Bowl.
Kaleb played tight end and had the important job of running the play in every time!  
What a fun season and love the "family" it creates.  
The boys created quite the team with the high school football players...tailgated before every home game, got to go in the locker room before the game and hear coach's pregame speech, and the best part got to be part of the big "entrance" on Homecoming night.  
Great season boys!  What a fun group to watch!


Blake & Braden took drinks to their class Halloween parties this year.  
Braden told everyone he was having a "drink" party! 
We had a good time going to party city this year to pick out costumes from the giant wall!
Blake & Braden were ninjas and Kaleb was a scary man all in black.
This year Kaleb didn't go trick or treating, he stayed at his friend Jace's house and they worked for weeks on a haunted pathway for trick or treaters to walk up.  When Kaleb asked me if he could stay at Jace's this year and I was questioning that he didn't want to go with us anymore, he put his hand on my shoulder and said "Mom, your little boy is growing up!"


Kaleb & Max Werner at the lake,
Kaleb & Cason dancing after football practice,
Blake & Tyler Rewerts KU/KSU buddies!
Blake & Braden with Hagan & Mikayla Ulrich

Table of Knowledge

The "Table of Knowledge" is referring to Grandpa Bob's coffee hour group.  The boys get to go with Grandpa periodically to eat and converse.  Who knows what great things they have learned from this table.  The group is especially impressed at the boys' tech skills.  This night, Blake was photographing the members of the table with his iPad.  Blake's face probably says it all about what he is learning at this "Table of Knowledge". :)

Sometimes they even get special rides home, dropped off by Grandpa Bob's truck!

Braden Learns to Ride His Bike!

Braden learned to ride his bike!  Grandma and Grandpa got his bike all fixed up, tires aired up and ready to go.  With only a little help and guidance, Grandma eventually let go and off he went!  Within hours he was speed racing Blake!  Another generation learns to ride their bike in Great Grandpa Dreier's cow-lot!


Blake and Braden spent several evenings building in their clubhouse...they decided they were tired of standing when they wanted to use their steering wheel and drive so they built a seat by hammering in at least 1,000 nails.  No broken bones, hammered fingers, or other injuries plus many hours were spent outside being creative with no fighting, so this momma was happy!  Notice Braden's "toolbelt", equipped with his cell phone?  Very ingenious boys, and good teamwork!


Blake had an amazing year in soccer!  He scored so many goals, usually having at least 1 a game, sometimes 2!  He also enjoyed playing goalie.  Grandma Judy helped him make "Soccer ball cookies" for his game to hand out as treats! The kids loved them.  
Great season Blake! 
So proud of how hard you worked!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

Pumpkin patch!  Cut 8 pumpkins, went through 2 corn mazes and lots of fun on the playground!


Grandma Judy and I took the boys to Maxwell to see the buffalo.  They were close to the road, but not on the road as they were last time!  Their favorite part was going on a nature hike!  Beautiful fall day!

Back to School

Back to school brought lots of extra fun this year!  Braden started Kindergarten, Blake 2nd grade and Kaleb moved to Middle School to start 5th!  Pictures shown included Kaleb cleaning windows with his 8th grade buddy Isaac Decker, painted KU faces at the Back to School picnic (can you tell which brother was super happy to have copied his brother's face design and which brother was not happy because his face design was copied?), Donuts with Mom, Blake's field trip to Botanica, Braden's Pet day (he took Peaches!), Blake's bug museum, and first day of school pictures!  


All 3 boys were in baseball this year!  Braden's first year of T-Ball, Blake's of coach pitch and Kaleb's first year of kid-pitch.  Kaleb was a pitcher and did amazing!  So proud of all 3 of them, so much fun to run from game to game and watch them!  Several homeruns were witnessed!