Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Braces Off, Glasses On...Growing Up

My what a difference a year makes!  
Last year...long hair, braces on, no glasses.  
This year...SO grown up!  Short hair (we now gel it everyday!), 
braces off retainers on, and new glasses.  
Love you my grown up Kaleb Lee!

Snow Day!

Snow Day!  No School so we spent the day playing in all the snow, eating Snow Ice Cream and REAL SNOW-cones, building forts, leaving all our wet, snowy clothes on the back porch, coloring, watching KU, and giving Braden a hair cut.  Caught Braden going down the stairs in a laundry basket...when I asked him what he thought he was doing, he replied "Snowboarding Mom!".  Wow...what will we ever do all day for tomorrow's snow day?!

Kaleb's Spelling Bee

So proud of you Kaleb!  You were 1 of only 3 4th graders to make it to the 4th-8th grade Spelling Bee at the middle school!  You competed well against all older kids and made it to the 6th round, even beating some of them out!  You spelled words I didn't even know and sorry about not being able to "Mom, can you give me a definition" "Kaleb, I would if I knew what the word meant." when we practiced all week!  I know you were nervous and am proud to see you step outside of your comfort zone in front of all those people!  Way to go!

Kaleb's 4th Grade Basketball Rec Season

Kaleb's 4th Grade Basketball season was a success!  Won quite a few games and really picked up the intensity this year getting quite a few steals and baskets.  Grandma Judy made basketball cookies for the last game of the regular rec season.  It instantly took me back to a container full of my Grandma Dreier's sugar cookies and cherry kolaches always brought to the last game of my season by my Grandma Dreier....and the tradition carries on!  Now for more MAYB weekends to come!

Blake's Basketball Camp

Blake went to basketball camp for the 2nd year in a row.  He won several events including "Dribble Knockout" (picture 50 kids all with basketballs they are dribbling, trying to keep dribbling theirs while knocking others away!).  He scored several baskets, got to hang out with the high school players ("Mom, they play REAL basketball!") and learned a lot!

Braces Off, Glasses On...Growing Up

My what a year does...Last year long hair, braces on and no glasses.  This year: SO grown up! Short hair, (we gel everyday!), braces off and retainers on, and new glasses.  So grown up! Love you my Kaleb Lee!