Thursday, June 5, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend May 2014

Memorial Day Weekend....swam, family barbeque, walk at the arboretum with Chase, finding a snake, a gorgeous picture of the family farm at sunset, and a visit to the cementary to explain to you what Memorial Day is all about!

Day at the Lake

A beautiful day at the lake...100 degree day in May...
got some of my new favorite pictures of you guys playing together!

End of Kaleb's 4th Grade and Blake's 1st Grade Year!

There is quite a crew of boys that walk to the elementary school from the middle school every morning!  Next year Cason & Kaleb will move up to the middle school and Braden will be added to the bunch!  The annual "field day" event at the elementary held their opening ceremonies where Kaleb played the Olympic theme song on his recorder! Kaleb got to meet his 8th grade buddy he will have next year the middle school, Isaac.  They were instant buds and even dressed alike the night of 5th grade parent night!

Blake's 1st Grade Zoo Trip

The annual 1st grade zoo field trip!  I was able to go with Blake, just like I did with Kaleb.  A beautiful day at the zoo, cool and only sprinkled a little bit.  All of the animals were out and active and Blake and I had such a good time!

Great Grandma Dreier

Your Great Grandma Dreier passed away April 6, 2014.  She was one of the most inspirational and amazing women I know.  She is the only woman I know who would get up early to make breakfast, pack lunches and snacks for the field, drive the "gravity wagon" truck for wheat harvest all day and then have a full course meal sitting on the table at 10:00 p.m. all to clean up and start over the next day.  She was the most amazing quilter, sewer, baker, cake decorator, musician, singer, Christian, caregiver, flower arranger, decorator, gardener...and on and on it goes.  She was truly everything that encompasses the word "Grandma".  We were sad to lose her, but happy to be by her bedside as she took her last breath to reunite with Grandpa and finally be at peace after many years of having Alzheimers.  She loved her family and loved all of you, smiling every time we would go visit. Even though she couldn't speak at the end, you would love to make her giggle and push her in her wheelchair to supper.  We had a beautiful memorial service to celebrate her life, placing daffodils that are still currently growing in her garden.  Ended the night with what else but a Dreier wienie roast!

Hansen Easter 2014

Blake Flag Football

Blake's first year of flag football..loved it!  Loved playing quarterback, threw some touchdown passes and even scored a few touchdowns himself!

Hesston Boys & Girls Win State Championships!

Hesston boys and girls both won state championships this year.  It was a record setting year!  There is nothing like the atmosphere of state basketball and the way the community comes out to support.  You are shooting in the driveway before the games, dreaming of playing in your own state tournaments someday.  You were avid fans, knowing all the players names and plays.  I remember going to state tournaments when I was little and then getting to play in them in high school and you will too!

Digging for Dinosaurs

Cousin Jason brought his digger attempting to clean out the creek a little.  He ended up making some dirt mounds that kept you boys busy for hours!  You brought in a huge bone you found while digging and insisted to me it was a dinosaur bone!

Braden-5 years old

Oh we love you.  You are all boy and love to get dirty, work on tractors and chain down loads with Grandpa Bob, ride the barrels with Grandma Judy dig, fish with Grandpa Hansen, sleep, eat, do puzzles, play kitchen, build legos, and play.  I always have to take pictures of all the amazing things you build, and you also love to cook and watch Pioneer Woman with me!  You wrote a love note to Kalyn but then decided to add Bethany and Megan to it!  You will be in Kindergarten coming up and your first class picture is very fitting: You are in the dead middle, smiling your heart out! I can't wait to see what amazing things you do!  

Grandpa Bob's Comfy Chair

The boys all love to snuggle with Grandpa Bob in his comfy chair!


Kitty, legal name: Elvyra sleeps in the craziest positions!  The boys love her and she loves them and puts up with a lot!

Kaleb's Basketball Season MAYB

Another basketball season in the books for Kaleb! Great season...great team!  "Family" for sure!  Won most of their rec games and played well in a few MAYB tournament weekends!

Indoor Swimming in the Winter

Always a good getaway when it is 5 degrees outside!…

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

State Basketball

Both boys and girls were state basketball champions this year!  It was a truly memorable year the boys really got into!  There is nothing like the state atmosphere, you can see the boys out shooting in the driveway before we left for the games, playing their own version of their state championship they hope to be playing in someday! Go Swathers!

KAKE News Visits HES

KAKE news visited the elementary school to give the school a grant.  Susan Peters, from the news came and read a story.  Our students created a mock video newscast to show Susan.  The news was so impressed they aired it on the actual news.  Kaleb was the weatherman for the newscast.  He was also recognized at the ceremony for being 1 of 3 4th grade students who made it to the Middle School spelling bee.  I was so proud of him, he even beat out several older students.  At the ceremony his principal presented him with a certificate and he had to give a small speech in front of the entire school.  Way to go Kaleb!

Snow Days!

We got a couple of snow days again this year!  Cinnamon roll baking (in Grandma Dreier's pan so they were extra good!), Fort building and staying up late, and snow plowing with the tractor!