Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

Pumpkin patch!  Cut 8 pumpkins, went through 2 corn mazes and lots of fun on the playground!


Grandma Judy and I took the boys to Maxwell to see the buffalo.  They were close to the road, but not on the road as they were last time!  Their favorite part was going on a nature hike!  Beautiful fall day!

Back to School

Back to school brought lots of extra fun this year!  Braden started Kindergarten, Blake 2nd grade and Kaleb moved to Middle School to start 5th!  Pictures shown included Kaleb cleaning windows with his 8th grade buddy Isaac Decker, painted KU faces at the Back to School picnic (can you tell which brother was super happy to have copied his brother's face design and which brother was not happy because his face design was copied?), Donuts with Mom, Blake's field trip to Botanica, Braden's Pet day (he took Peaches!), Blake's bug museum, and first day of school pictures!  


All 3 boys were in baseball this year!  Braden's first year of T-Ball, Blake's of coach pitch and Kaleb's first year of kid-pitch.  Kaleb was a pitcher and did amazing!  So proud of all 3 of them, so much fun to run from game to game and watch them!  Several homeruns were witnessed!


We attended the Harvey County Fair Rodeo.  Braden LOVED it of course!!  He was the only one that was worried about dressing up like a cowboy.  He loved the roping, barrel racing and of course bucking bulls, but most of all that the Queen came and sat by him and autographed a picture!  He was playing shy and wouldn't let her see him looking at her!


Braden is so full of life and character, we just love him!  He can always bring a smile to your face because he is always smiling!  He is a social bee and loves his ladies!  Miss Kelsey from Bible School (Homecoming picture), his volleyball girls, new friends he met at school.  Braden LOVES legos and can create some incredible things, including a combine in a field WITH wheat after his ride on the combine with cousin Robbie.  He also loves farm and got to be in a pedal pull, loves to dress up as a cowboy and play farm.  Braden loves kitty and his "Br-Gwetta" (my friend Greta), loves to dress up and be a helper (painting his Sunday School classroom with his teacher Sharon), building with Lincoln Logs, looking at tractors with Jase and Grandpa Bob, and reading outside Cindy's while waiting for me to pick him up for Kindergarten (to make the time go faster!)

4th of July

4th of July is always a blast at Cousin Marcy's house with our own private fireworks show, swimming, cousin fun, and of course tons of food!  We even had a little "redneck fireworks" this year with Cousin Jason blowing up an old gas can, it was loud!


The boys LOVE to bake!  They love to make their own pizzas and decorate them as happy faces or flowers.  Mud pies outdoors are always good too!  Jell-o cookies (from Great Grandma Bea's recipe), Kaleb making Zwiebach with Grandma Judy, and Braden always playing in his kitchen making all kinds of concoctions from recipes he has seen on his favorite TV show, "Pioneer Woman"!

Wichita Nature Center

Grandma Judy took us to the Wichita Nature Center to walk around the beautiful landscape and tour the museum of Kansas wildlife.  Nothing more precious than Grandma walking hand in hand with her boys.

Summertime Fun!

Oh how we love our summer nights!  When they aren't busy running around to 3 boys' baseball games, we spend them feeding the fish (and many turtles including Giant Ralphie!), feeding the ducks, biking or walking around the arboretum, getting summer haircuts (buzzes!), eating Ice Cream at Twisted Cow, bike rides on the dirt roads (even sometimes all the way to Grandma & Grandpa Young's!) and treasure hunting while going on walks on the dirt roads.  

Sedgwick County Zoo June 2014

Jackets were needed in June when we visited the Sedgwick County Zoo!  The day was chilly, the zoo was not busy and the animals were out so it was a perfect day!

Botanica Gardens June 2014

We visited Botanica Gardens including the butterfly house where we got to hold butterflies, walking around the beautiful flowers and of course playing in the learning center.  Kaleb of course insisted on reading every sign.  A beautiful day!