Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Young Christmas

We are so blessed.  Uncle Derek was able to fly in for Christmas.  A bitter cold day, but warm inside!
Favorite presents? Lava lamps, really, really soft blankets, lego plates to build on and of course legos and Axe spray.  We enjoyed giving pillows and cards with the boys' pictures!

Dreier Christmas

A fun day of traditions for our Dreier Christmas...Bingo, Apfel Kuchen, puzzles, and laughter!
Kaleb unfortunately won the traveling, singing Dog!  But Derek won the fairy wings!  Chase enjoyed being Santa this year and handing out the presents.

Friday, December 25, 2015


  Kaleb teaching himself how to play his new guitar by watching YouTube videos!

Grandpa tightening up the well house getting ready for the worst snow storm of the year (which didn't happen!)

Christmas Eve

The season would not be complete without church on Christmas Eve. So proud of my 3 boys who read a Christmas poem to the congregation.  My favorite "O Holy Night" by Vern & Mike as a trumpet duet....maybe someday Kaleb can play too.  The night is complete when the candy sacks are handed out!

Dreier Christmas at Cousin Marcy's

Annual Dreier Christmas party at cousin Marcy's complete with the horse carriage ride caroling around the neighborhood.  So many Dreier cousin boys all together! All started by 2 people who fell in love. Amazing to think about.  Topped off the night with the visit from Santa!

Blake's 9th Birthday

Blake finally got to have a large friend birthday party on his actual birthday!
The new Star Wars movie came out this weekend, so a Star Wars party he had!
His good friend Jack has his birthday on the 19th, the day before Blake so they had 
a joint party and took their friends to the new Star Wars movie!  Complete
with a beautiful cake, the boys had a blast!

Thursday, December 17, 2015


Elfie has finally returned!  A few years ago Elfie frightened little Blake and Braden and they wouldn't sleep because "he is watching me!".  They have finally found the fun Christmas spirit in Elfie and are no longer scared but look forward to discovering the "mischief" (as they put it) he gets into while they sleep.  

Mom is a high school teacher

The boys love coming over to the high school now after school.  Their school gets out a little earlier than I do so they come at the end of my classes.  Blake says he can't wait to take my classes so he can code, build robots, and animate things.  I hope he always feels that way!  My last hour is all boys and they are always making something cool to show them.  They are so good at including my boys and getting them excited about what you can do with tech!

Kaleb's Way of Helping Grandma Bake Cookies...

Kaleb pointed out to Grandma that it was getting close to Christmas and they hadn't made Christmas sugar cookies yet!  He offered to come over and help Sunday after church....this is his idea of helping Grandma Judy!


Basketball has begun in full swing and this year Kaleb AND Blake are both playing. Braden is excited to start a 4 week camp in January!  Kaleb's team has been adopted by our head boys' coach from the high school, Greg Raleigh.  He has taken a love for these boys and is doing some coaching for them as well.  He has deemed them "ball boys" for all of the high school home games and are in charge of the balls for warmup as well as sweeping the floors.  Such a special influence in their lives and very cool to them they are connected to the high school.
Blake is getting to do the "jump ball" and is doing extremely well!