Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Dreier Cousin Kansas City Trip

The Dreier Cousins had a blast during their Kansas City weekend!  
The boys were so excited...Braden even used it in school the week before we went as his "sentence" for the day.  "Braden is going to Great Wolf Lodge".  
Starting off the adventure by touring a marble factory where we learned to play marble games, saw how marbles were made, and even got to pick out our own sleeve of marbles!
Next we headed to Great Wolf Lodge where we swam and slid and played for 2 days!
They couldn't wait for the dinging sound to signal the dumping of the enormous bucket!
This momma was tired from climbing so many sets of stairs to ride the slides with her boys!  
We had the best time!!
Supper at the T-Rex cafe!  Braden of course ordered his favorite...ribs!...And Blake got his favorite, a plate full of bacon at the breakfast buffet at the hotel.  Kaleb was just excited for all of the snacks Grandma Judy brought for the road trip!
Completed the weekend with shopping at Legends Outlet Mall, where the boys were all happy to raid the Nike and Under Armour Outlets!
Notice the 2 pictures in front of the fountain...I said, go in front of the fountain so I can take your picture, they all did...with their backs to me, ha!  
So we took that one and then one where we could actually see their faces!
The picture on the couch is Braden, we barely got through the door at home Sunday night before he collapsed on the couch.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Pampering Me for Mother's Day

The boys took good care of me for Mother's Day and their little gifts with the greatest gifts of all to me....brushing my hair, braiding it, fixing my hair, playing quietly, snuggling, and milkshakes.  So lucky. So blessed. I LOVE my boys.

Lunch Date with Braden

How many more years will Braden bug me to come eat lunch with him at school?  Probably not too many as I teased Kaleb about letting me come eat with him :) Braden was excited to finally have Grandma Judy and I make it for a lunch date of taco soup!

Kaleb's 5th Grade Cosmosphere Field Trip

I was so grateful to be able to attend Kaleb's 5th grade field trip to the Cosmosphere this year.  I am so proud of the young man he is mature and so smart.  I caught Kaleb reading and reading throughout the museum with a group of girls, and he was disappointed when it was time to go!  Just like his Grandpa Bob...has to read every single sign, that is why he is so smart!  He also had a lot of fun and laughs with his great group of guy friends. So much fun seeing 2 3D movies, touring the museum, eating lunch and blowing things up in the lab!  He has had a great time at the middle school this year...included a few pics of RS Olympics playing dodgeball and basketball with his team for Mr. Lafferty!

Braden and "Kind King"

"Kind King" visited Braden's classroom for the letter "K" week....Braden enjoyed seeing him (as you can tell with the big hug) and was proud to be related to Kind King...later whispering in his ear, "I know you're Vern, I can tell by your mustache"....but I was so proud of him because he was big enough to understand and not ruin it for the other kids!

Braden's Farm Field Trip

After many rain delays and reschedules, Braden finally got to go on his field trip to Lehman's Dairy Farm.  Of course he was in high heaven!  Tractors, horse rides, 4-wheeler rides, hay loft jumping, trampolines, swings, basketball, pizza, baby calves, sand pile climbing, and hay bale leaping...all things that Braden loves!  I was so happy to be able to go with him on this field trip of his dreams!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Blake Flag Football

Blake's 2nd Grade year in Flag Football...his best year yet!  
His last game of the season was his best...
4 touchdowns an, interception, and several completed passes! 
 Blake, you did awesome this year!

Maxwell Cousin Trip

We took a Dreier cousin trip to see the buffalo at Maxwell Game Preserve.  Unfortunately the feed wagon broke down so they had no way to get the buffalo to come in!  We did get to see the Elk very close up, they were beautiful and it was fun just to ride on the tram!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Kaleb's Spring 5th Grade Music Concert

Kaleb was involved in both 5th grade Choir and played the trumpet in 5th grade Band.  So neat to see how far you have come since the fall!