Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Florida Trip Summer 2015

We're on our way!  Grandpa Bob & Grandma Judy took us to the "New and Improved" Wichita Airport.  The new terminal had just opened the day before we left and it was so nice, clean, and smelled wonderfully new!  We didn't mind hanging out for an hour before our flight left because as you can see the boys were excited for the USB chargers at every seat! Blake was reading his book and was surprised to see it say "We're going to Disney world"!

On our way our layover was in Houston, although it wasn't much of a layover.  
We only had 52 minutes to get to our next flight and had to quickly get to another terminal.
After a pep talk with the boys about following and keeping up with mommy while racing to the next plane, the boys did amazing.  (Each boy had a carry on they were in charge of!) They were very excited that we got to ride a train to the other terminal!  They said "Mom, you told us we were going to get to ride a plane, but you didn't tell us we were going to get to ride a train too!"

I was so proud to receive several compliments in the airport 
from complete strangers on how well behaved my boys were!

Our first plane was very tiny and plain, however our next 2 planes were VERY big and each seat had its own TV so the boys were VERY excited about that!  The boys were very good plane passengers and were happy to see they received free drinks and snacks!  The flight attendants always told me how polite they were!

Our 2nd layover was much longer and the boys were 
impressed and grateful that mommy packed "UNO".
Overall the flights were very smooth except we did experience a little turbulence during a landing while we flew around a storm and Braden proceeded to say "May Day, We're going down!"

Aunt Stephanie's House!!
Of course the all time favorite was the pool!  
The boys were in the pool almost every minute we were at home. 
First thing in the morning and last thing at night!
So much fun having jumping and diving contests, and lizard hunting!  
Mommy enjoyed relaxing and taking a breather while laying out!

Discovered we brought home an extra present from Florida that we didn't expect nor want to...
a carpenter bee fell out of my suitcase when I got at home and opened it up!

We slept in every day we could.  The boys were always exhausted and mommy was happy!

We ate VERY well on the trip!
McKinley helping Aunt Stephanie make breakfast for her boys!
Yummy, yummy spaghetti and meatballs!
A night of fro-yo and all the toppings was a favorite for the boys!

Awww.....the beach!
Kaleb tells me his favorite thing from the trip was the beach (me too!)
I can see why....Kaleb was an immediate success at boogy boarding! 
He picked it up right away with a few helpful tips from Aunt Stephanie.
Even other Floridians were impressed and couldn't believe it was his first time!
So much fun riding the waves!
1st beach...Daytona, where we could drive the car right on the beach!
Kaleb learned how to read the waves and loved the 
2nd beach day at Cocoa Beach when it was windy!
Of course our little Tech kiddos had to take an iPad break and put their towels over their heads so they could see the screen!
A trip to Ron Jon's surf job as a must!
They also enjoyed the "5 minute away" lake!
The first beach day we stopped at Donut King on our way and I let the boys finally pick out the biggest donut they wanted.  Blake ended up not feeling well on the hour trip to the beach.
After several times of pulling over (good thing Aunt Stephanie takes the barf bags from the planes)
Lets just say he had a little life lesson about why mommy says no sometimes 
(maybe mommy really does know what is good for her boys sometimes!)

1st place to visit...GATORLAND!
Braden was the only one brave enough to sit on a live alligator!
We were able to see them feed the alligators and have a jumping contest for chicken!
We also loved the gator wrestling! 
(Don't get any ideas boys!)

Next up...SeaWorld!
Blake and Kaleb were very excited to ride "The Manta"
 (a ride as if you were flying through the air) with Steph.  

We loved the 3D movie as if you were hatching from a sea turtle egg 
all the way to making it to the ocean and trying to survive.

We enjoyed petting the stingrays and dolphins!
The aquariums were beautiful.
An interactive penguin ride with live penguins as well as the live dolphin show were our favs!
The dolphins and divers worked together in away that seems impossible to understand and brought tears to our eyes.
We also had a blast on the water rollercoaster and even rode it twice!!!

We. Did. It.
We (7 of us) conquered ALL FOUR Disney parks in ONE day.  
I couldn't have been more proud of my boys!
Luckily the rain moved in mid afternoon 
(I say luckily because the lines died down a bit and it cooled off).
It was really a beautiful day and everything went so smoothly!
Aunt Stephanie had everything planned down to a science so we knew 
what we wanted to do (and didn't want to do) at each park.

One of my favorite pictures! Stephanie explaining what we are getting ready to do for the day and what Disney is all about...Blake is obviously VERY EXCITED!!

1st up? 
We knew we wanted to get there as soon as the park opened and ride the Safari first thing.
The Safari allows you to see all of the animals in the park (if you get there in the morning!) did not disappoint.
We were able to see all of the animals, 
even the baby giraffe that was finally making its first presence!
It was also the first ride we all rode together, and would be the scariest ride we rode all day.
The Yeti.
Disney does a really good job of making you feel like you are 
NOT waiting in an hour line to ride a ride.
The Yeti line wiggled through a museum of interesting artifacts and information about the Yeti.
Kaleb was of course kept very busy reading all of the information!
The ride went backwards IN the pitch BLACK.
 Very proud of my boys (and myself) for riding and making it!

THE TREE OF LIFE (from the Lion King). Incredible.

2nd park...Hollywood Studios!
Lunch (Yes, Kaleb really did eat that foot long hot dog and then continue to ride rides all day ugh).
Star Wars was the favorite of this park!
Again the line was through a really cool building of awesomeness that kept us occupies while we waited.
The 3D ride was really neat flying through the air.
Blake was chosen as the secret spy on the ship!!!

We ended the day in Epcot with the unforgettable fireworks.
Braden had waited all day to see the sharks and we did not disappoint.
The aquariums in the "Finding Nemo" display were the most beautiful and breath taking we had ever seen.  The Finding Nemo ride was so interactive and cute.  Watch out for the stinging jellyfish!!

THE Park.  THE one. THE only.  
Disney's castle!
Fast passes are the way to go.  You can only choose 3 so choose wisely!
Meeting Mickey Mouse (the REALY MICKEY) was one of our fast passes...
and totally worth it!
They took us in a special back door and to the front of the very long line to meet him personally in a room by ourselves!  The boys were impressed he talked!  He is the only character at Disney who is allowed to talk!

Kaleb's 6th Grade Story about our roller coaster adventures!