Thursday, July 23, 2015

KC Royals!

Took Kaleb to his first professional sporting event experience (that he can remember).  Stopped at a famous "Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives" sports bar before the big game.  Delicious! His friend Cason ordered what famous chef Guy Fieri ordered when he visited and topped it all off with a fried twinkie!  Even though the Royals lost 7-10, we had a great time!  Kaleb really got into the game doing all the cheers (hmm..did it have to do with the pre-game cheerleader picture (she also sang the 7th inning stretch Take Me Out to the Ballgame) and even tried to use his "Rally Hat".  A beautiful warm evening for the game!

Braden Lost His First Tooth!

Friends Summer 2015

Lots of MAYB weekends hanging with Kaleb's friends...and a great weekend at the lake with Werner's! us some tubing!

Baby Cousin Kaden Alex Spencer

Another special treat in June (while we were in Florida!)... cousin Kaden Alex Spencer was born!  He is so sweet and the boys are already attached to him and can't wait to teach him all kinds of things!

The newest cousin to this crew...picture taken 5 years ago!

Uncle Derek

Uncle Derek came home and visited his favorite nephews for almost 3 weeks!  The boys couldn't have been happier and got some solid quality uncle time!  Game night was resurrected as he taught the boys several card games including Egyptian Rat Killer, brought back Battle Ship, Uno, Sorry, and we taught him Yatzee!  Such a great time with such an important person in their life!