Thursday, August 27, 2015

Sleepovers with Aunt Leslie

Once again Aunt Leslie is spoiling her nephews!  A night out at All-Star Sports, a sleepover and a visit to all the family including haircuts from Grandma Joy, chicken feeding, family breakfasts and a little football in the yard!

Braden Driving Tractor with Grandpa Bob

One of Braden's favorite things to do is ride tractors with Grandpa Bob, however now Braden is driving them!  I love Sunday afternoons spending time with family doing the little things that will someday be the big memories to them.

Chase's Rodeo!

Fun with cousin Chase at his rodeo!  Kaleb and Blake were able to hang on for 8 intense seconds, but Braden got bucked off in the first 2 seconds!

First Day of School!

Kaleb 6th, Blake 3rd, Braden 1st and Mommy back at the high school teaching Business!

Epic Slip and Slide!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Royals Game with Uncle Eric

Uncle Eric took Kaleb to his second Royals game!  They spent several hours tailgating and watching the players warm up, driving back late after the game and getting home in the middle of the night. Dollar hot dogs caused a competition of a hotdog per inning.  Kaleb says they made it 5 innings!  Bonus...he got to see them win, 2-1.  What a special day with his Uncle that he will never forget!

Summer Fun

Summer Fun includes a lot of lego building, braiding my hair (I love it!!), dinosaur bone digging, bendaroo creating, and laundry basket riding down the stairs.  Idle hands.... :)
Blake and Braden had been saving their change and asked to take it to the bank to exchange for dollars.  Blake needed $50 to buy his new Lego Jurassic World game.  He spent a lot of time counting it, and he was correct, he had $51!  Proud of Kaleb for volunteering to split the game cost with him since they would be playing it together most of the time.  Braden only had half as much money (because of his slight Lego buying addiction problem), so says to me..."Looks like I will have to keep working at my know mom, cleaning church"!  A neat day watching them begin to understand the value of earning a dollar!

Blake and Kaleb's Football

Football is winding down.  What a great year! It was crazy but so fun to have 2 boys involved!
Blake did a wonderful job as the kicker (until he broke his nose!)
and Kaleb was so much more aggressive this year!
It is a wonderful program to be a part of, especially the life skills lessons, the tailgates, and 
bonding with the high school team!
Go Swathers!

Blake kicking off!

Football season has begun and Blake is super excited he can play this year too!  
Camp was fun as the high school players helped lead the kids.
Coaches told Blake to start wearing his helmet around the house so his neck can get used to it and he has been avidly doing that!  Still makes me smile when I walk into a room and am caught off guard by this boy in a helmet.  Crazy fall, here we come!