Tuesday, May 17, 2016

My favorite scenes

A couple of my favorite scenes....
the boys laying in my bed playing card games as we watch Pioneer Woman before bed...
Newell's supper (breakfast food of course!)with Grandma and Grandpa!

Senior Send Off

We started a new tradition at Hesston High School this year.
Grades 3-11 created a "clap up" send off for the seniors on their last day.
As I sat there watching Blake clap it up for the seniors I couldn't help but think how quickly time flies...and how soon we will be clapping it up for my boys! Slow down time, slow down!

Braden's 1st Grade Zoo Trip

Blake 3rd Grade Shops

Blake and his friend Jack Gish ran a snow cone booth for 2 days for 3rd grade shops.
They were a hit...selling $150 (play money) worth of snow cones!
The best part was their marketing strategy...
"They're fresh from the school's ice machine"
"If you're heated in the sun..."

Kaleb 6th Grade Band Concert-Trumpet

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Mother's Day

My boys gave me a beautiful card and plant for Mother's Day...Braden also made this at school.
I'm going to remind him of a few of these when he is a teenager...he loves me because I sing country songs and he knows I'm smart because I know how to do multiplication!

Happy Mother's Day to MY MOM!

Happy Mother's Day to my mom....I don't know how she does all she does.  I would not be who I am today if it wasn't for her.  I couldn't do "life" without her.  She helps me with everything...most recently getting my house in order.  Sewing curtains, cleaning, organizing, lining my kitchen shelves and drawers, and what she does best....landscaping.
We did something this Mother's Day week we have never done.  We both used a personal day from work to take a day together, for ourselves.  We needed it most this year as I had just moved into our new house.  With a list in tow we shopped til we dropped!
A couple days later on Mother's Day we went back to Wichita for a second trip to pick up some additional landscaping items.  A lunch for ourselves at HuHot completed the trip.
My. Mom. ALWAYS there when I need her. Whatever I need her for.
I love her.
And a better Grandma to my boys?  You simply couldn't find one.

Braden's Trip to Syracuse with Grandpa Bob

Braden had quite the adventure and got to travel with Grandpa Bob in his semi truck to Syracuse for a tractor sale.  Uncle Bill joined in on the weekend and Braden's highlights included getting to stay in a hotel and swim twice, and eating at the rib crib as well as riding in the truck.  He thought he could be Grandpa's relief driver if needed!  Grandpa said the whole way home Braden kept reminding Grandpa that as soon as they got home they should unload that new tractor because Braden needed (and could) drive it!  Grandpa did just that and Braden was in heaven driving it around the yard!  A weekend that will be forever etched in Braden's memory.  So. Special.