Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Let it Snow!

Our backyard this winter is different than our old one, but the pond is beautiful frozen over with snow and reminds me of our country life.

Kaleb 7th Grade Band Christmas Concert

Friday, December 16, 2016

Blake & Braden's Elementary Christmas Concert

Blake's last elementary Christmas concert!  
He got the role of Kermit the Frog and also being a reporter.
Broadway Musical was a hit!
You put on a great show boys!
Love to watch you sing and dance as you smile and enjoy yourself!
My handsome boys!
Proud of you both!

Always my favorite part of the program...Silent Night/Peace, Peace.
A Hesston tradition that has been happening even since I was in it.
Still brings tears to my eyes when the entire gym is singing together.

Monday, December 12, 2016

WSU vs. OU Basketball Game

What a fun day....incredible experience for the boys!
So proud of them on the road trip...so good, so relaxing.
Dressed in WSU gear...
Private suite, endless food/drinks, comfy chairs, great view, courtside giving high 5's to the players, what else could a boy ask for? I haven't seen the boys smile/be so excited like that in awhile!
The game was close and exciting the whole way, the atmosphere so fun!
The boys kept saying "We are VIP"....makes my heart happy to make them feel special, but I reminded them they are VIP EVERY Day.
Go Shockers!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Blake 4th Grade Basketball

Look mom, I got Grant Raleigh's number!

My Boys...My Heart

Momma was excited to get this made...boys were excited to dip their hands in paint!

Santa Videos

It's December 1 and Santa has sent his first video of the season!
Be sure to "Listen to your mom, and get along with your brothers!"

Skyping with Uncle Derek

The time is getting near for Uncle Derek's Christmas visit home!
The boys love to Skype with Uncle Derek all the way across the world!
They think it is so funny that we are getting ready to go to bed and he is just waking up with the sun!