Thursday, August 24, 2017

2017 Solar Eclipse

First Day of School 2017

Hansen Lake Trip


When you were little I used to take you to the Arboretum all the time!
You enjoyed walking with Grandma Judy and I, or being pushed in the stroller.
The fish and turtle feeding always a highlight!
Look how big you are now and I still got you to go with me.
Will you go with me and feed and walk and talk when I'm old?
Some of my favorite memories.

Making Cinnamon Rolls

Mom hates it because it is MESSY.
But, the boys love it so we do it...and we not only make cinnamon rolls, but we make memories too.
Not going to lie, the boys did want to call in "The Expert" A.K.A Grandma Judy.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Physicals and School Supplies!

It's that time of year! Can't believe it.....sports physicals and school supply shopping!
Of course Braden talked Dr. Jantz into letting him be the doctor and use his stethoscope!
Oh Braden!  And...bragging rights went to Braden being in the 90% for both height and weight...being a couple of inches shorten than Blake but weighing ONE whole pound more!
Dr. Jantz told me to prepare for the grocery bill.  Growth spurts are happening.
Lunch at AppleBee's and then to pick out school supplies.
This year Blake and Kaleb got to go on their own...big brother Kaleb showing Blake the middle school ropes!  Not sure how I felt when Kaleb said to Blake those lists are just "suggestions", you can really just get what you want. Hmmm.

Babysitting Chase & Kenslee

The boys sure love their cousins...Chase and Kenslee! Always a good time together!
Building cup forts, reading, eating, snuggling, and a few naps for Kenslee!
Kaleb even gave me permission to wake him up early to play with them (IF Kenslee was the one to wake him she did!)