Friday, September 29, 2017

HHS Football Entrance

Blake's Hand

Blake fractured his hand and displaced the bone in his football game.  The tough guy didn't come out and finished the game!  After a few days and the swelling still showing, a visit to the doctor and and xray confirmed.  Blake LOVES football and it was a rough day to hear he would be out for the remainder of the season.  His coaches had a talk with the team and explained what a huge loss it would be for the team because Blake is such a hard worker.  We were happy to hear the bone is in-line and should heal within 4-5 weeks.  Of course the highlight is getting your cast signed, even by his dentist and all the hygienists!  He's so sad, I feel so bad for him! 

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Hansen Boys Football

Why do they always have to use their tough faces...tried to get them to smile...with teeth...unsuccessful, but don't they look sharp!? Proud of them.