Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Thanksgiving 2017

A wonderful, delicious Thanksgiving dinner at Cindy's, complete with grape pie!

Decorating for Christmas!

Traditional Arboretum luminary walk

Finally some relaxing family time!
Braden moving rock with Grandpa for the new shed!
Baking peppernuts and peanut brittle and cookies and decorating gingerbread house with Grandma!
Puzzle doing, book reading, playing, and bonding.

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Halloween 2017

Busy night for Halloween.  Home high school football game, so we did a mad dash to get trick or treating done!  Blake went with his friends this year, so Braden and I completed the task.  He went from being a full blown zombie costume to "dressed as a human but zombie face" because the costume was "itchy".  This kids got MORE candy PER minute than any other kid.  TWO bucketfulls in about 22 minutes! Running from house to house. It was COLD COLD COLD.  Then we all snuggled in at Parker's football game!