Saturday, March 31, 2018

Happy Easter 2018!

The Easter bunny was good and brought favorite snacks instead of candy!  The boys all have their individual preferences!  And he scored with the Hesston baseball hats!

Blake counting his change from the annual Hansen egg hunt!

Braden is the only one still young enough for the annual Hesston Easter Egg Hunt!
In a matter of 2 minutes the kids had cleaned the grass clean!
Jerrick and Braden were more excited to get home to try out their new go-pro camera they bought to start their YouTube channel of making trick shot basketball videos!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Spring Break

This year's spring break didn't consist of a wonderful trip to Florida, just a relaxing staycation.
Trip to Wichita to get baseball stuff, of course with a stop at Logan's to eat 14 rolls between Blake and Kaleb. Braden got to take a trek in the combine 3 hours away with Grandpa Bob!  He was in heaven with their stop at Rib Crib!  Baseball card sorting, baking, cleaning, movie watching, game playing, throwing with daddy to get ready for baseball season, fishing, basketball playing week.

NCAA Men's Tournament Practice Day

The NCAA first round men's games were hosted by Wichita at Intrust this year! 
So, I took the boys out of school for the day and we went to the open practice day where we could watch all of the teams take the court for 45 minutes each.  The atmosphere was amazing and it was fun to watch them and their coaches!  Over 14,000 people packed the arena for the Jayhawks! 
Devonte Graham is a stud, and we got to witness Azubuike make 5 free throws in a row which is unheard of :)