Saturday, June 16, 2012

Bible School June 2012

Bible School 2012
Another wonderful week of Bible School.  Above our some of their creations from the week as well as a picture of Blake and his 2 best friends, Brodi & Casey, and Kaleb SOAKING wet from his last day when the fire truck came and sprayed them!  See above video of Blake's music program.  I know you will be surprised, but it brought tears to my eyes, he was so intent on doing the actions and so proud to know the words to all of those new songs in just a week.  We were blessed with CD's from both of the boys' school so now we jam it out in the car a lot!  Braden was sad he couldn't go, but all 3 will be able to attend next year!

Braden's New Horse "Doc" June 2012

Braden's new horse..."Doc".
As I have said before, Braden is my farm boy...he loves tractors and boots and...Braden LOVES horses.  His Great Uncle Russ built him a big, red barn for his birthday, to put his horses and tractors in.  He also rides Aunt Cindy and Uncle Russ's horses, helps feeds them, and loves to give them "treats".  His latest horse story is about their horse that is wearing a diaper on his foot because he has an "owie"..and he isn't lying, he really is!  So...when I saw this horse, I just knew he would love it.  On the way home he says "Mommy, what is his name?"  I told him that it was up to him, he could name him anything he wanted to name him...of course he chose "Doc"! (the name of the real horse he loves to ride!).  He has already spent a considerable amount of time brushing his hair and taking his saddle on and off.  Topping it all off is tonight...letting Doc sleep in his bed!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"Stitches, you're outta here!"

Stitches out today!  We had to drive back to Hutchinson instead of just up to Hesston or Newton, otherwise insurance would bill us again (don’t you love all the ridiculous insurance rules!? Oh well, at least we have insurance!) Again, he was such a trooper.  I told him it would just “tickle” as they pulled the string out.  Mom was WRONG as the 3rd and final stitch’s skin had healed over it slightly so that one was a little bit more than just a “tickle”!  Luckily the scar is under his chin, so his handsome Hansen face is still untouched! (for earlier tonight he wiped out in my mom’s driveway on his bike......and the saga continues)  The other picture is Blake saying “Stitches, you're outta here!”

"Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails"

“Sugar and spice and everything nice” (girls), “Frogs and snails and puppy dog tails” (boys) as the old poem goes.   Last week we found a turtle just out our back step.  The boys played with it for awhile before carrying it down by the creek so it could find it’s “Fam-a-We” as Blake put it.  This week?.....Huge bullfrog on our back deck.  The frog was so funny, it would puff its self up when you got near it.  Daddy was brave and touched it, so next Braden tried.  Too scared (Braden, scared?) he said “just take my picture with it mom!”, as he stood 5 feet away...see the frog in the background?  Aww the life of summer in the country with 3 boys.  Love these days.  As long as that is all they find...hopefully no posts about snakes anytime soon!  

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Blake's Stitches June 2012

3rd set of Hansen stitches to show....Kaleb was first at age 5 (same age as Blake is now) (SEE Pictures with his "Finding Nemo" Bandaid) when he hit his nose on a wooden play kitchen at daycare...he ended up with 4 from that incident.  I was NINE months pregnant with little Blakey and I actually was stronger holding his hand and watching them stitch up my baby than I was Thursday night with round 2!  This time it was Buhler ball park, waiting for Kaleb’s game to start, he slipped on some sand and BAM, landed right on top of a concrete pole.  As blood gushed, and people looked, yep, we better go in.  So...first trip to Hutchinson ER since we were closer to there.  He was so brave and barely cried from the “magic medicine” (as the doctors called it).  Speaking of “magic medicine”...I love modern medicine, but with all of the modern medical miracles, can’t they find a way to numb it without having to give a shot DIRECTLY into the worst possible, most painful place of the injury!  Seriously!!  The nurses said he was so tough and looked like a football player with a chin strap!  Friday we removed the bandage and next week the stitches come out.  He only ended up with THREE stitches (1 behind Kaleb...apparently they are keeping a tally!)  As the 2nd 5 year old in our family to receive stitches on their face, this mom can only pray it is the last.....but we all know Braden and he is the most daring yet, so I’m not holding my breath.  I swear these boys are going to give me a heart attack.  Worst news?  No swimming for a week....thank goodness it isn’t a broken arm that would have to wait 6 weeks to swim!  The 2nd set of stitches were on work, with a trim trimmer saw thingy (not the technical name)...13 stitches on his leg, he looks pretty tough with the scar!  Awwwww BOYS (including daddies!)!  As you can see I've also included a picture of Braden because after taking pictures of Blakey, he said "Me too mommy, me too!"

Summer Haircuts 2012

Summer them!  No more sweaty, stinky, dirty, tick loving hair!  Buzz cuts are in, man does Blake look even MORE like daddy now or what!  If only the rest of his hair would bleach like his front sides so he doesn’t look like he has a receding hair line! Ha!  

Summer Baseball 2012

Summer Baseball 2012 has begun!  This year we have 2 out of the 3 boys playing!  Kaleb is playing coach pitch and has already hit his first homerun of the year!  He mostly plays shortstop, like his daddy did when he was little!  He has made some awesome throws to 1st to get some outs!  Blake is playing t-ball and has played pitcher and first base, although if you were watching you would think he was playing shortstop, 2nd base, right field, and left field all at the same time, as he is ALL over the place fielding those balls!  Daddy is working on Kaleb’s pitching skills and we are pretty impressed...Blake is left-handed (so is Braden), so look out majors, here come the Hansen boys, ha!  They couldn’t be more adorable (I’m sure they wouldn’t want to hear their mommy saying that) in their little baseball hats, sunglasses, pants and belts.  Yes, they want to wear baseball pants like the big boys!  Kaleb attended baseball camp at Hesston College this week and got to play on the “big field”!  Please enjoy the “Highlight Film” I’ve added.  The boys of course love to watch themselves over and over!  When watching it the first time, Blake said “I’m Number 1!?”  Always, buddy, always in our hearts! Still adding to movie so checkback to see updated throughout season!