Wednesday, June 13, 2012

"Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails"

“Sugar and spice and everything nice” (girls), “Frogs and snails and puppy dog tails” (boys) as the old poem goes.   Last week we found a turtle just out our back step.  The boys played with it for awhile before carrying it down by the creek so it could find it’s “Fam-a-We” as Blake put it.  This week?.....Huge bullfrog on our back deck.  The frog was so funny, it would puff its self up when you got near it.  Daddy was brave and touched it, so next Braden tried.  Too scared (Braden, scared?) he said “just take my picture with it mom!”, as he stood 5 feet away...see the frog in the background?  Aww the life of summer in the country with 3 boys.  Love these days.  As long as that is all they find...hopefully no posts about snakes anytime soon!  

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