Saturday, August 25, 2012

Kaleb First Football Game Aug 2012

Kaleb's first ever football game August 2012...

When you put pads, cleats, and a helmet on them, you suddenly realize your baby is growing up.  Today was Kaleb's first ever football game.  He spent the morning reviewing the playbook after the coach let us know there was a sick player and Kaleb (only a 3rd grader) would be stepping on the field with mostly 4th graders.  After the first initial jitters wore off from just getting in the game, Kaleb did GREAT!  He had a tackle that resulted in a loss of yards and several good runs and handoffs while playing running back.  So proud of him to get out there with the bigger boys and just do the best he can do.  Being part of the team is special and seeing them run out on the field for the first time brought tears to my eyes.   A long day filled with 2 games ended with a trip to Red Robin (Kaleb's favorite place) for what else but a bottomless basket of fries, a cheeseburger, and Dr. Pepper!  Way to go Kaleb, we love and are proud of you!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

First Day of School 2012

First Day of School 2012....Blake Kindergarten with Mrs. Jaso and Kaleb 3rd Grade with Mrs. Lafferty, my 4th year of teaching.  Braden is a little unsure, now being by himself without his brothers for the first time ever at daycare.  He had a few tears yesterday telling me he would miss KaWeb and Bwakie.  Up until last night, my 2nd baby going to Kindergarten really hasn't bothered me, but the conversation I heard this morning between Blake and Braden started tears off right away.  I heard Blake tell Braden "Here Braden, here is my bear blankie that grandma made for me, I don't need it anymore because I am big now, so you can have it".  Ugh, THE bear blankie, THE blankie that he has drug everywhere, THE blankie that he has had since the day he was born and can't sleep a single nap or night without.  TEAR.  Blake and I went to his classroom last night to meet his teacher (bouncing right in, finding his teacher, shaking her hand and introducing himself as Blake who also likes Dr. Seuss books (her favorite), find his desk, his cubbie, where he sits on the carpet, and see his room.  So today when I tried to walk them in, he lets go of my hand and says "I know where to go mom, I can go by myself".  As I quickly tried to catch a last glimpse of Kaleb to tell him to have a great day, he was already off, waving to me in the distance.  I did go ahead and take Blake to his room, more for my sense of peace, rather than for him.  He marched right in as a proud Kindergartner and I stood at the door and watched as I realized my 2nd baby has grown up.  I choked back tears and thought I was going to make it, then being stopped by his teacher who handed me a poem, wrapping up a package of kleenexes.  I got through the first 2 lines and then lost it is:
The First Day...dedicated to Kindergarten parents everywhere...
I gave you a little wink and smile 
As you entered my room today.  
For I know how hard it is to leave
And know your child must stay.
You've been with him 
for five years now
But now, alas, the time has come
To leave them at my side.
Just know that as you drive away
And tears down your cheeks may flow,
I'll love him as I would my own
And help him learn and grow.
For as a parent, I too know
How quickly the years do pass
And it not that long ago it has been
my turn to take my child to class.
So Please put your mind at ease
And cry those tears no more.
For I will love him and take him in
When you leave him at my door.

Friday, August 10, 2012

4 Generations of Dreiers Aug 2012

4 Generations of Dreiers...a special picture with my Grandma Enola Dreier, 2 of her daughters, 2 of her granddaughters and 3 of her great grandsons.  My Grandma Dreier is a very special lady, always full of love and giving.  Even today, plagued with Alzheimers, unable to speak, a smile was brought to her face as she looked at her family, a glimpse of recognition.  The hardest working woman I know, she would drive truck or tractor all day in the field, pack all the lunches, haul wheat, tend to her beautiful garden, take care of the house, the family, and still put a full course meal on the table every evening for my Grandpa.  She gave me a doll every year for Christmas which I still hold as a precious collection of memories.  She helped me redecorate my room, made a new quilt for my bed, sewed my 8th grade promotion dress, patched my dollie when I cut a patch out of her because she was dirty!  She made birthday cakes for us every birthday, my favorite being a computer cake when I was young, little did she know I would someday become a technology teacher!  Every shopping trip would end with an ice cream cone from McDonalds and she never missed a ballgame, being our loudest supporter, sometimes having to be reminded "Grandma, you can't cheer when the other team misses a free throw or misses a serve in volleyball, Grandma, you can't cheer loudly when another player hits it out in tennis".  She once told me that she hated nights after any of us grandchildren had played a game because she always relived the entire game in her dreams and it would wake her up.  Cherry Kalochies for last freshman volleyball game and strawberry pie for the entire cast of the Variety Show at those late night rehearsals in high school.  She could make the most amazing cherry pie with crumble crust of course, the most beautiful cakes, including my wedding cake, always making sure to scrape the ugly brown stuff off the cake.  So time consuming, but everything Grandma did was always perfect.  She could make the most beautiful flower arrangements, the most beautiful were with fresh flowers from her beautiful garden she spent hours tending to.  "Back to School" dinners for all of her grandchildren were always a special way to start the school year and little trinkets at every holiday still fill my shelves.  A new Christmas ornament for the tree every year when we grew up, little did I know just how special those would still be to me today as they now decorate my family Christmas tree, so happy my mom is carrying on that tradition for my boys.  I am blessed to have her china, and several of her precious trinkets from travels and trips she took with my Grandpa, as well as vases and dishes that were special to her, including a tea cup that was her mothers.  She loved her family more than anything in her life and I only wish my boys could have experienced her love the way I did.   She taught me so many things, some intentionally and some she never knew she was even teaching me.  She loved the Olympics and this year as I found myself being consumed with them, I found myself often thinking of her.  Love you Grandma, you always will be a special woman to many!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Braden's New Tractors Aug 2012

Braden awake, at home, after his major dental work appointment this morning!  I think it was harder on this mommy to see her little baby "put out" than it was on him!  Nothing a few new John Deere tractors won't fix!  He may be still feeling a little "drunk" and tired, but can't pass up playing with his new tractors!  The 3rd picture is a picture Braden took of his new tractors!  They even came with hay to haul like his Uncle Russ! He's excited to put them in his barn Uncle Russ made, but this mean mommy is making him stay laid down for now because he still can't walk!  He did great, what a trooper!

Hansen Rodeo Aug 2012

After taking the Hansen boys to their first rodeo this weekend I should have known the rodeo would continue at home!  The boys were playing "buckin' bulls", the bull (a.k.a Kaleb) bucked his cowboy (a.k.a) Braden right off into the clown's (a.k.a Blake) cheek bone and gave the clown (a.k.a.) Blake a black eye!  On the bright side, at least they weren't trying to steer rope or tie each other up like calves!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Cinnamon Roll Success Aug 2012

I know this is an average everyday feat for most bakers, including my mom, grandmas, aunts and cousins, however for me, Cinnamon Rolls have just never come easy.  So today, my last day of summer vacation, I attempted this challenge.  Success!  Thank you Pinterest and mom for the recipe, hot, wonderful goodness in about an hour!  Kaleb was so funny, he kept judging me throughout the entire process, comparing everything from the way the dough smelled, looked, how I rolled them up, and finally taste to Grandma Judy's way.  "Yep, that is how grandma does it," and "Yep, that is how it looks when grandma makes them".  So, I guess in his eyes I was successful!  The frosting, he said, "Tastes just like Pizza Hut" frosting, so I guess that is a good thing because he loves that! Braden loved them too, along with his fresh salsa Grandma made (delicious salsa, but with Cinnamon Rolls? Gross).  Blake said "I'll have one tomorrow" so not sure what that meant!  Daddy even took some back to work so that either means A: He was proud of how amazing they were and wanted to share my success or B: They are terrible and he wants to get rid of them!  I'm going with A because I think they turned out great!  I used my Grandma Dreier's pan to bake them in so I think that had a big part in their success.  Now for the terrible mess in my kitchen, that is another story!

Rodeo Aug 2012

We attended the Harvey County Rodeo last weekend.  First rodeo for any of the boys, they were quite excited to see what a real rodeo was.  Braden sat the stillest I have ever seen him sit in my life.  Kaleb was attempting to talk to Braden during the cattle roping and Braden says "Shh, don't talk".  Blake enjoyed the "Mulls" (BULLS!) and Kaleb actually entered the ring to try and pull a ribbon off of a calf.  The arena was huge for this challenge and there were many kids.  He came close several times and was quite worn out when he was done.  Braden enjoyed, well, ALL of it!  He talked all night about it, but was especially excited for the bulls and the cow roping.  He was standing up cheering and doing the hand actions (picture tying up a cow), apparently helping the cowboys.  He wants to be a cowboy when he grows up (he reminded me again on the way home),  the song "Mommas don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys" played in my head, but I responded with a "You just can't ride bulls".  Might have video of Kaleb's chase to post later!

Baby Chase July 2012

Babysitting Cousin Chase (or Chasers as Braden says)...
Chase LOVES the boys.  He smiles and laughs and watches everything they do (sorry Kristin!).  He was so worn out the day we kept him Kristin said he was asleep a mile down the road.  He was a very busy boy learning how to play football on PS3 by Kaleb and Blake (he really did watch, and they said he was learning, it was cute) and I told the boys that since he is crawling now (which they were SUPER excited to see because when we left on vacation a week earlier he was still just scooting) and so Braden barricaded him with every blankie we had in the house.  Kaleb gave "High 5's" with him and Blake taught him how to snap and said "Mom, can we teach him how to use the potty?"  Although I'm sure Kristin isn't happy about everything my boys are going to teach him, I'm sure she would be thrilled if Blake was able to potty train her 7 month old!  This kid is going to be AMAZING with the 3 Hansen boys in charge of his future :) We love you Chase!