Tuesday, August 14, 2012

First Day of School 2012

First Day of School 2012....Blake Kindergarten with Mrs. Jaso and Kaleb 3rd Grade with Mrs. Lafferty, my 4th year of teaching.  Braden is a little unsure, now being by himself without his brothers for the first time ever at daycare.  He had a few tears yesterday telling me he would miss KaWeb and Bwakie.  Up until last night, my 2nd baby going to Kindergarten really hasn't bothered me, but the conversation I heard this morning between Blake and Braden started tears off right away.  I heard Blake tell Braden "Here Braden, here is my bear blankie that grandma made for me, I don't need it anymore because I am big now, so you can have it".  Ugh, THE bear blankie, THE blankie that he has drug everywhere, THE blankie that he has had since the day he was born and can't sleep a single nap or night without.  TEAR.  Blake and I went to his classroom last night to meet his teacher (bouncing right in, finding his teacher, shaking her hand and introducing himself as Blake who also likes Dr. Seuss books (her favorite), find his desk, his cubbie, where he sits on the carpet, and see his room.  So today when I tried to walk them in, he lets go of my hand and says "I know where to go mom, I can go by myself".  As I quickly tried to catch a last glimpse of Kaleb to tell him to have a great day, he was already off, waving to me in the distance.  I did go ahead and take Blake to his room, more for my sense of peace, rather than for him.  He marched right in as a proud Kindergartner and I stood at the door and watched as I realized my 2nd baby has grown up.  I choked back tears and thought I was going to make it, then being stopped by his teacher who handed me a poem, wrapping up a package of kleenexes.  I got through the first 2 lines and then lost it...here it is:
The First Day...dedicated to Kindergarten parents everywhere...
I gave you a little wink and smile 
As you entered my room today.  
For I know how hard it is to leave
And know your child must stay.
You've been with him 
for five years now
But now, alas, the time has come
To leave them at my side.
Just know that as you drive away
And tears down your cheeks may flow,
I'll love him as I would my own
And help him learn and grow.
For as a parent, I too know
How quickly the years do pass
And it not that long ago it has been
my turn to take my child to class.
So Please put your mind at ease
And cry those tears no more.
For I will love him and take him in
When you leave him at my door.

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