Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Year's Eve

Kaleb's annual tradition of having his friends over for New Year's Eve continued...I finally made them go to sleep at 3:30 a.m.!  They are hilarious with their singing and dancing!  It was a fun night of eating, cards, and popping a balloon every 30 minutes to discover what their prize would be!

Young Christmas

Christmas and Grandma Judy's and Grandpa Bob's with Uncle Derek!  Kaleb helped Grandma make waffles for our Christmas breakfast while Blake & Braden tried coffee with Uncle Derek!  The boys colored and recorded books for Grandma, Grandpa & Uncle Derek.  Blake & Braden enjoyed being Santa this year handing out the presents.  Braden was so excited when he opened his first present, a box of velveeta (for nachos!!) and was disappointed when he opened the box and found the Adidas socks he had asked for!  Next...Blake was excited to unwrap a hair dryer box, then disappointed that there were the Nike socks he had asked for inside! Blake's favorite present...a KU curtain for his room.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Our Family Christmas 2014

Our family Christmas.  Kaleb was excited to get to be a bigger part of it this year helping me with Christmas Eve :)  Milk and cookies for Santa, decorating Gingerbread houses, and presents galore.  Kaleb's favorite: Nike sports bag, Braden's favorite: Nerf gun, and Blake's: glow in the dark basketball. We were even able to catch a glimpse of Santa outside our house flying over (Braden running to bed and yelling to his brothers to hurry up and go to sleep so Santa would land!) and an elf peeking out from behind our Christmas tree.  Kitty enjoyed the wrapping paper most! The boys were also excited to be able to dig for dinosaurs in the dinosaur rock they received while Kaleb was un-excited to find a year old peanut butter cup in the bottom of his stocking!

Dreier Christmas

Dreier Christmas...full of traditions!  Apfel Kuchen (Kaleb had one we had never seen this year...uncooked ball of dough in the middle!), oreo ice cream, puzzle, and Bingo!  Boys were extra excited at prizes this year including candy and Kaleb received "Axe" cologne!  My boys and their gelling of their hair and smelling good for "the ladies" as they say!  Braden received a lego truck which Uncle Derek helped him put together.  Derek was able to stay several weeks this year coming all the way from the Philippines!  Always a good time!!

Church Christmas

Church Christmas...the boys and I went up one evening to help Grandma Judy decorate the church for Christmas.  Important conversations about helping others and giving back and the importance of the season!  Blake loved helping with the Christmas tree skirt and Kaleb hanging the wreath on the cross.  Kaleb is the registered barber helping the boys "gel their hair" for special occasions! I think the boys are currently taking longer to get ready than I am! Kaleb played the trumpet while Vern played the piano this year, amazed at how far he has come just starting to play in August!

Sunday, January 4, 2015


Kaleb's first band concert playing the trumpet for the middle school.  You were also interviewed for the paper about what you were thankful for.  You were able to participate in the big bash for selling items and had fun racing Brynn of course!  Your first middle school Christmas dinner where the staff serve you, you were so excited that I had to dress up and be your waitress!  You rocked it in the ugly sweater day for your class with Miss Wiebe.  So proud of you!  Can't believe your first semester of middle school is down, and you survived even with Grandma Judy and I in the same school!

Another year of basketball started.  Kaleb is playing in the Marion league this year and also on an MAYB team.  He has become much more aggressive and is playing well on defense this year learning to hustle and anticipate.  MAYB weekends are full of lots of gym time and also killing time...this year in Wichita getting to go to Krispy Kreme for the first time to watch donuts being made and get one hot of the press! I think that was the highlight of his weekend!

Dreier Christmas Gathering at Marcy's

Annual Dreier Christmas gathering at Jeff & Marcy's.  Santa visited, my favorite picture is of you 3 opening the door to let him in!  We went Christmas caroling at the Villa as always, was hard this year as the first year without Great Grandma to carol too.  You all did such a good job of singing, so proud of you!  Fun to be with all of the cousins!

Blake turns 8!

Blake turns 8!  
I love my job for many reasons but one of the reasons is I get to see you boys at school!  Blake is such a good student and is so well liked.  Everyone loves Blake and always wants to be his partner.  He chose Reagan to help hand out his birthday treats as everyone was anxiously waving their hands in the air. This year Grandma Judy also came to your classroom birthday party.  Your class sang happy birthday to you and you just sat there with the cutest, biggest grin on your face, all the while as  a cute little girl was dancing behind you!  You were sick earlier that week so we were so happy you were better to take treats for your birthday!  You are also loved at home....you like to sleep with your door closed and Kitty loves to sleep by your door almost every night!  

Blake & Braden's School Christmas

Santa always visits Hesston Elementary school and this year was no different!  He brought his goody bag of Swather water bottles.  The boys enjoyed getting their class pictures taken with Santa!

Blake & Braden's Elementary Christmas Program

Blake & Braden were able to be a part of their first (for Braden) Elementary School Christmas program, "Lights, Camera, Christmas" (movies of Christmas).  The program was an all out musical which I was honored to be a part of helping with the tech presentation part.  It allowed me to be able to be at your rehearsals and spend some extra time with you during school!  You both love to sing and dance and had so much fun!  You looked so handsome all dressed up!


Braden....oh how we love thee!  You continue to make us smile every day!  You have recently discovered a love for listening to books on tape that are ready to you as you are learning to read, the same Disney ones I grew up with!  You also love to brush my hair and put make up on me, ha!  You are enjoying Kindergarten this year (R is for Rosie Rabbit's Restaurant below!)  You also took drinks to your first fall party and enjoyed passing them out for your "drinking party" haha!  You have a huge heart and are full of life!  I love you Braden!

Thanksgiving & My Birthday

This year we hosted the Dreier Thanksgiving.  My birthday fell the day before which we were out of school.  We spent the day exactly how I like, relaxing and cleaning the house for Thanksgiving, meal out with the family and then movie night to end the evening.  The boys even helped me clean!  The night of my birthday Kaleb secretly texted Grandma and planned a surprise birthday party for me at Newell's including being sung to as well as a birthday brownie sunday.  Kaleb, you are so thoughtful and it meant so much to me that you planned something!  Thanksgiving was complete with Great Grandma Dreier's famous Grape Pie!  We also got some domino time that always brings a good time and laughs.

Arboretum Luminary Walk

Annual luminary walk at the arboretum, a beautiful calm night complete with smore creating.  The weather reminded us of the time we pushed Great Grandpa Dreier around with us.  This year Blake and Braden's classes helped create decorations for the buildings and it was fun for the boys to point out which creation was theirs.  Always a time to reflect on the beauty and tranquility of the season.