Sunday, January 4, 2015


Kaleb's first band concert playing the trumpet for the middle school.  You were also interviewed for the paper about what you were thankful for.  You were able to participate in the big bash for selling items and had fun racing Brynn of course!  Your first middle school Christmas dinner where the staff serve you, you were so excited that I had to dress up and be your waitress!  You rocked it in the ugly sweater day for your class with Miss Wiebe.  So proud of you!  Can't believe your first semester of middle school is down, and you survived even with Grandma Judy and I in the same school!

Another year of basketball started.  Kaleb is playing in the Marion league this year and also on an MAYB team.  He has become much more aggressive and is playing well on defense this year learning to hustle and anticipate.  MAYB weekends are full of lots of gym time and also killing time...this year in Wichita getting to go to Krispy Kreme for the first time to watch donuts being made and get one hot of the press! I think that was the highlight of his weekend!

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