Thursday, April 9, 2015


Braden, my little helper!  You LOVE to help!  Helping Grandma Judy clean her renovated house, grandpa Bob drive the tractor, wheel barreling weeds for mommy, baking, cleaning the church.  You also love to play!  Playing in the sand, with your legos, with your farm, with your figurines.  You are very meticulous and want things done a certain way.  You wrote at school that "My nose as nostrils that likes to smell grandma's cookies" and your "ears like to hear grandpa's truck"!  I have been fortunate to do some tech lessons in your classroom this year! We even got to Skype with cousin Kelcie's Kindergarten in Oskaloosa for World Read Aloud day and Dr. Seuss's birthday!  We made "Green Eggs and Ham" treats for your class! You are always smiling!  Everyone at your school always points that out to me!

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