Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Lego Sort!

The boys wanted to sort their legos all by color so they would be easier to find when building projects. (This makes their momma very happy and I see myself in them!)  We spent 3 evenings sorting their massive lego tub.  We attached the lego plates Uncle Derek gave them for Christmas to their lego table and now they are ready to start building!  They love to build cities and create Stop Motion videos (the same stop motion videos I have my freshman in high school creating!).  They even have shared some at their show and tell time at school.  The sort took awhile, but here's to many hours of them being creative, building, and getting along!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Uncle Derek

What a special bond all 3 boys have with Uncle Derek.
We were blessed to have him here for longer than usual, almost an entire month!
Lots of time was spent playing games, hanging out, bowling, basketball games, programs, teaching them how to make sounds with their hands, and he even took a day with Kaleb and took him to the salt museum and to eat at Carriage Crossing (where he got the largest cinnamon roll on earth and ate the whole thing).  My boys couldn't ask for a better uncle....for a better role model, more caring family member and all around best uncle around.  We love you Uncle Derek!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Braden turns 7!

I can't believe my baby is SEVEN!  They are all growing up too fast! Literally....We always measure twice a year, in the summer and in the winter...Braden has grown 1 1/2 inches in 6 months! He had his friend, Devon over to play and we made birthday treats (he chose cake pops...I think he likes to make them because it is messy!) to take to school! Spent the day before bowling with Uncle Derek, Grandma Judy, Grandpa Bob.  Was so much fun!  The boys loved it and Braden cheered every time he got a pin down.  The boys did so well, we didn't even use the bumpers the first game and they barely used them the 2nd!  Derek won the first round with Grandpa bringing home the win on the 2nd!  I think the boys all beat momma!

Blake Basketball

Blake took the famous "basketball cookies" baked by Grandma Judy as treats for his basketball team! Always a hit!

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Kaleb's 12th Birthday!

Kaleb turned 12!  I can't believe it. My baby.  He reminded me only one more year until he is a teenager!  He wanted to go to Newell's for his birthday and he ate and ate and ate! They even delivered a birthday Sunday with a little song.  This is his "Mom, I can't believe you did this" look...but it was actually Grandma Judy!

Kaleb Basketball Jan 2016

Kaleb helping with the high school games! So fun!  Love how Kaleb's team supports the high school team!  They all sit together and cheer on the high school boys! His team won the MAYB tournament at Hesston...3-0...way to go boys, they brought home the gold!
Undefeated season at Marion league, 2nd in the Marion tournament!
The best part is the team bonding!
Couldn't ask for a better group of 10 boys.