Monday, January 11, 2016

Braden turns 7!

I can't believe my baby is SEVEN!  They are all growing up too fast! Literally....We always measure twice a year, in the summer and in the winter...Braden has grown 1 1/2 inches in 6 months! He had his friend, Devon over to play and we made birthday treats (he chose cake pops...I think he likes to make them because it is messy!) to take to school! Spent the day before bowling with Uncle Derek, Grandma Judy, Grandpa Bob.  Was so much fun!  The boys loved it and Braden cheered every time he got a pin down.  The boys did so well, we didn't even use the bumpers the first game and they barely used them the 2nd!  Derek won the first round with Grandpa bringing home the win on the 2nd!  I think the boys all beat momma!

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