Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Uncle Derek's Summer Visit

We were so excited to have Uncle Derek with us again for 2 weeks, all they way back from the Philippines!  He got to see each of the boys play baseball, Kaleb's basketball games, swam on the pond (regardless of getting thrown around by Shamoo our pond whale), lots of "Egyptian Rat Killer" card games, domino building, Virtual Reality glasses games and tours, watching the Cubs, and a days trip to Exploration place and miniature golf. We LOVE Uncle Derek and it is always a fun time when he visits and a sad time when he has to leave.  The boys (and the rest of us) are holding out hope that he will move back closer soon!

A fun evening of games with flashlights when a storm caused a power outage!
Uncle Derek lets the boys play games on his Virtual Reality headset....hilarious!

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